hiroshi iwai
wladek grabinski, bart nauwelaers and dominique schreurs
1 2/3-d process and device simulation. an effective tool for better understanding of internal behavior of semiconductor structures
daniel donoval, andrej vrbicky, ales chvala, and peter beno
2 psp: an advanced surface-potential-based mosfet model
r. van langevelde, and g. gildenblat
3 ekv3.0: an advanced charge based mos transistor model. a design-oriented mos transistor compact model for next generation cmos
matthias bucher, antonios bazigos, francois krummenacher,jean-micehl sallese, and christian enz
4 modelling using high-frequency measurements
dominique schreurs
5 empirical fet models
iltcho angelov
6 modeling the soi mosfet nonlinearities. an empirical approach
b. parvais, a. siligaris
7 circuit level rf modeling and design
nobuyuki itoh
8 on incorporating parasitic quantum effects in classical circuit simulations
frank felgenhauer, maik begoin and wolfgang mathis
9 compact modeling of the mosfet in vhdl-ams
christophe lallement, francois pecheux, alain vachoux and fabien pregaldiny
10 compact modeling in verilog-a
boris troyanovsky, patrick o'halloran and marek mierzwinski