序 前言 內(nèi)容提要 Abstract Chapter1 General Introduction 1.0 Brief introduction to metaphor studies 1.1 Rationale of this research 1.2 Purposes of this research 1.3 Novel metaphor:target of research 1.4 Methodology for this research 1.5 Overview of the thesis Chapter2 Literature Review of Related Studies 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Congitive approaches to metaphor 2.2 Pragmatic-cognitive approaches to metaphor understanding 2.3 Process-oriented studies of metaphor understanding 2.4 Evaluation and comments of reviewed theories/models Chapter3 A Relevance-Theoretic Framework to Metapher Understanding 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Metaphor as representation by resemblance 3.2 Basic notions concerning metaphorical understanding 3.3 Metaphor interpretation 3.4 Characterization of the conceptual framework to metaphor understanding 3.5 Summary Chapter4 Metaphoricity and Metaphorization 4.0 Introduction 4.1 The notion of metaphoricity 4.2 Metaphor as a re-conceptualization of entities 4.3 Metaphorization and de-metaphorization 4.4 Proposed criteria for metaphoricity identification 4.5 Metaphoricty judgments:an empirical study 4.6 Summary Chapter5 A Cognitive Process of Novel Metaphor Understanding 5.0 Introduction 5.1 Representational assumptions about Topic and Vehicle domains 5.2 Metaphor understanding:idntificaltion of explica-tures 5.3 Metaphor understanding:construction of contextual assumptions 5.4 Metaphor understanding:constructing implicatures 5.5 Heuristics for the choice of possible interpretations 5.6 A tentative relevance-oriedted model of metaphor understanding 5.7 Summary Chapter6 Novel Metaphor and Processing Effort 6.0 Introduction 6.1 Controversies on the issue of metaphor and effort 6.2 Novel metaphor understanding as an effort-demanding task 6.3 Rationale of the hypothesis about metaphor and efforts effect 6.4 The experiment 6.5 ummary Chapter7 Conclusions and Implications 7.0 Introduction 7.1 Brief summary of major findings 7.2 Implications 7.3 Suggestions for further studies Appendix Bibliography