A comparative study of terminology in classical Chinese poetry and poetics inclusive of engaging topics on philosophy and aesthetics showing an old tradition with its intrinsic principles and inherent patterns in bold relief and giving the reason why the Chinese people aspiring at shen神(Perfect union of cognition and inmagination),have been psychologically disposed to harmony reconcilement and reciprocity and aestheticalyy capable of diversified tunes as well as of profound lyricism-from which is a message ringing:Prospering the nation has cherished a time-honored tradition remarkable for its highly-civilized li-yue (Propriety-and-harmony-oriented)institutions and value systems which stuck deep roots in Humanity and Sincerity;Thriving the people has cultivated an archetypally gentle honest and poetic character renowned for its spiritual depths intellectual richness and moral loftiness which their gentlemen carry in Humility and Simplicity.A unique and compact construct with peculiarities of CHinese identity.Fresh renditions of more than 300 items relating to major concepts in classical Chinese literary thought inclusive of Sikong Tu s Twenty-Four Modes of Poetry.Substantial reference data for comparatists and translators alike.
Tse Yiu-man(Xie Yaowen),translator of A Selection of William Wordsworth s Lyrics and two of Thomas Gray s long poems The Bard and The Progress of Poesy author of On Embracing the Abstract and Holding the Concrete;ex-editor-in-chief with World Literature and Art sponsored by Foreign Lauguages Department of Jinan University.
Introduction Chapter One:Cycle1 Tian天(Heaven),Di地(Earth),Ren人(Man) Chapter Two:Cycle2 Ru儒(Confucianism),Dao道(Taoism),F(xiàn)o佛(Buddhism):Poetics of Transcendental Inwardness and Pragmatic Reason Chapter Three:Cycle3 Shen神(Shpirit,Spirituality,“Realm of Pure Experience”,etc.) Qi氣(Breath,Vital Force,F(xiàn)ormative Energy) Yi意(Psychological Impulse,Mood,Idea,etc) Chapter Four:Cycle4 Li理(Principle,Reason,Truth,Inherent Order Significance) Shi事(Event Situation Process Matter Things) Qing情(Manner of Being Human Feelings Expressiveness of Physical Objects) Chapter Five:Cycle5 Fu賦(Narrative-Descriptive Mode;A Genre:Rhyme-Prose) Bi比(Similaic/Analogical Mode) Xing興(Evocative/Associative Mode) Chapter Six:Cycle6 Ge格(Sthle Structure; Literary Ethics:Paradigm) Jing境(World of Poetic Visions Ideorealm) Zhi致(Aesthetic Individuality Brilliance of Humanity) Chapter Seven:Cycle7 Gao高(Poetic Abstraction Sublimity Highness Loftiness) Da大(Poetic Digestion Greatness Broadness Spaciousness Magnificence) Shen深(Poetic COnvolution Depths Inexhaustibility Indeterminacy) Chapter Eight:Cycle8 Gang-Rou剛?cè)幔℉ard Firm Unyielding;Soft Gentle Yielding) Xu-Shi虛實(shí)(Vacuity and Solidity) Nong-Dan濃淡(Richness and SImplicity) Chapter Nine:Cycle9 Zheng bian正變(Orthodoxy and Variation/Intertextuality) Ya su雅俗(The Refined and the Popular) Wen bai文白(The Classical and the Vernacular) Bibliography Index Postscript