史培克,利茲大學歷史學教授,出版過多部關于英國17-18世紀歷史研究的力作,近斯著作有Reluctant Revolutionaries:Englishmen and The Revolution of 1688。
list of illustrations preface introduction 1 eighteenth-century britain 2 from the anglo-scotti sh union to the union with ireland 3 nineteenth-century bkitain 4 fitom pitt to palmerston 5 from the second reform act to the boer war 6 twentieth·century britain 7 from the boer war to the first labour government 8 from baldwin to attlee 9 from the acces sion of queen elizabeth to the entry int0 the european economic community epilogue appendix:monarchs and ministries,1707-1976 guide to furtber reading index