Chapter One Introduction Chapter Two The Rise of the Novel Chapter Three Pioneers of British Novel Chapter Four The First Flourishint of British Novel Chapter Five The Sentimental Novel and the Gothic Novel Chapter Six Domestic and Historical Novel Chapter Seven Other Early 19tg Century Novelists Chapter Eight Novels of Social Criticism(1) Chpater Eight Novels of Social Criticism(2) Chpater The Some Minor Late-Victorian Novelists Chpater Eleven Extension of Victorian Realism Chpater Twelve The Rise of Modernism Chpater Thirteen Modernism Continude Chpater Fourteen The Apex of Modernism Chapter Fifteen Novles of Social Satire Chapter Sixteen The Post-War Nnvel(1) Chpater Sixteen The Post-War Nnvel(2) Chapter Eighteen Recent Novelists A List of Writers and Their Works Select Bibliography Index