Introduction Chapter Ⅰ The Ancient World 1.Historical Introduction 2.Literary Giants and Works 3.Readings Chapter Ⅱ The Middle Ages 1.Historical Introduction 2.Literary Giants and Works 3.Readings Chapter Ⅲ The Renaissance 1.Historical Introduction 2.Literary Giants and Works 3.Readings Chapter Ⅳ Classicism 1.The Rise of Classicism 2.The Features of Classicism 3.The Representatives of Classicism 4.The Rise of the English Realistic Novel 5.Readings Chapter Ⅴ Romanticism 1.The Rise of Romanticism 2.The Features of Romanticism 3.The Representatives of Romanticism 4.Readings Chapter Ⅵ Realism and Naturalism 1.The Rise of Realism 2.The Features of Critical Realism 3.The Representatives of Critical Realism 4.Naturalism 5.The Representatives of Naturalism 6.Readings Chapter Ⅶ Modernism 1.The Rise of Modernism 2.The Features of Modernism 3.Post-Modernism 4.Symbolism and Imagism 5.Futurism 6.Expressionism 7.Existentialism 8.The Theatre of the Absurd 9.Surrealism 10.Stream of Consciousness 11.Black Humor 12.Neo-Novel 13.New-Realism 14.Writers of Contemporary Explorations 15.Modern Criticism Glossary References