漢斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Ander-sen,1805-1875)是名揚世界的童話大師。安徒生1805年4月出生于丹麥中部富恩島上的奧登塞小鎮(zhèn),他編著的童話故事伴隨一代又一代人的美麗童年、少年直至成年,其中《賣火柴的小女孩》、《皇帝的新裝》、《丑小鴨》、《白雪皇后》等已成為世界童話寶庫中的經(jīng)典。
中 篇 57.世上最美麗的一朵玫瑰花/the loveliest rose in the world 58.一年的故事/the story ofthe year 59.最后的一天/on the las tday 60.完全是真的/“it’s quite true!” 61.天鵝的窩/the swan’s nest 62.好心境/good humour 63.傷心事/a great grief 64.各得其所/everything in its right place 65.小鬼和小商人/the goblin and the huckster 66.一千年之內(nèi)/in a thousand years 67.柳樹下的夢/under the willow tree 68.一個豆英里的五粒豆/five out of one pod 69.天上落下來的一片葉子/a leaf from the sky 70.她是一個廢物/she was good for nothing 71.最后的珠子/the last pearl 72.兩個姑娘/two maidens 73.在遼遠的海極/in the uttermost parts ofthe sea 74.錢豬/the money-pig 75.依卜和小克麗斯玎/ib and christine 76.笨漢漢斯/jack the dullard 77.光榮的荊棘路/the thorny road of honour 78.猶太女子/the jewish girl 79.瓶頸/the bottle-neck 80.聰明人的寶石/the stone ofthe wise men 81.香腸栓熬的湯/soup on a sausage-peg 82.單身漢的睡帽/the old bachelor’s nightcap 83.一點成績/something 84.老櫟樹的夢——個圣誕節(jié)的童話/the last dream of the old oak tree——a christmas tale 85.識字課本/the a.b.c.book 86.沼澤王的女兒/the marsh king’s daughter 87.賽跑者/the racers 88.鐘淵/the bell.deep 89.惡毒的王子/the wicked prince 90.一個貴族和他的女兒們/the wind tells about waldemar daa and his daughters. 91.踩著面包走的女孩/the girl who trod on the loaf 92.守塔人奧列/ole the tower-keeper 93.安妮莉斯貝/anne lisbeth 94.孩子們的閑話/children’s prattle 95.一串珍珠/a string of pearls 96.筆和墨水壺/the pen and inkstand 97.墓里的孩子/the child in the grave 98.兩只公雞/the farm-yard cock and weathercock 99.“美”/charming 100.沙丘的故事/a story from the sand—dunes 101.演木偶戲的人/the puppet showman 102.兩兄弟/two brothers 103.古教堂的鐘/the old church bell 104.乘郵車來的十二位旅客/twelve by the mail 105.甲蟲/the beetle 106.老頭子做事總不會錯/what the old man does is right 107.雪人/the snow man 108.在養(yǎng)鴨場里/in the duck—yard 109.新世紀的女神/the muse of the new century 110.冰姑娘/the ice maiden