JamesP.Clements is theVice President for Economic and Com-munity Outreach at Towsom University and the Robert W.Deutsch Distinguished Professor lf Information Technology.He previouslycerved as the executive diyector of the Center for Applied Information Technology andthe Chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences a t Towson Unirersyty.He holds an M.S.and a Ph.D.in operations analysis fromthe university of Maryland Baltimore County ,an M.S.in computer science from Jlhns Hopkins University ,and a B.S.in compterscience From the Umiversity of Maryland Baltimore County .He has publkshed and presented nore than50papers on various projectmanagement and information sys-tems topics .During the past 20years ,he has served as a consultant to numerous industry and business groups .Dr ,Clenents is also a four-time winner of the FacultyMenber of the Year Award given bystudents at Towson University.
Part1 THE LIFE OF A PROJEcT Project Management Concepts Attributes Of a Project Project Life Cycle The Project Managenent Process Benefits of Project Managenent Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 A Not-for-profit Organization Case Study#2 E-Commerce for a Small SuPermarket Needs Identification Needs Identification Project selection Preparinga Request FOr Proposal SlokcitingProposals Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 A Midsize Pharmaceutical Company Case Study#2 Transportation Improvements Proposdd Solutions Pre-RFP/Proposal Marketing Bif/Mo-BIDDecision Developing a winningProposal ProposalPreparation Proposal Contents Technical section Management section Cost section Pricing Considerations Proposal Submission and follow-up CustomerEvaluation of Proposals Types of Contracts Fixed-price Contracts COst-Reimbursement Contracts COntractprovisions Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 Medical Informationsystems Case Study#2 Wedding planner The project Planningthe Project ManagintRisk RIsk Identification' Risk Assessment Risk Response Planning Risk Monitoring Perflrming the project controlling the project terminating the project Internalpostproject Evaluation Carly Project Tenination Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 AnElectronics Manufacturing Company Case Study#2 factory Expansionproject Part2PROJECT PKANNING ANDCONTROL Part3 PEOPLE:THE KEY TO PROJEcT SUCCESS