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中國姓氏:The Chinese Surname

中國姓氏:The Chinese Surname

定 價:¥28.00

作 者: 羅曉帆
出版社: 安徽教育出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787533642976 出版時間: 2005-03-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 32開 頁數: 194 字數:  


  The Chinese Surname is one of thetitles of the series Essences ofChinese Culture. This is the firstscholarly study of appellation ofChinese people. Chinese surnamesand names are quite different fromthose of other nations in the world.This booklet provides a largeamount of data to describe the originand development of Chinesesurnames. It presents a detailedanalysis of the background of social,political and economic situationwhich leads to formation andevolution of Chinese surnames.Very interesting and unique customsof giving and calling surnames inChinese history are introduced withmany illustrations.


暫缺《中國姓氏:The Chinese Surname》作者簡介


ⅠLegends of Origin of the Chinese Surname /1-26
The Origin of Xing /1
The Origin of Ming /12
The Appearance of Shi /18
Ⅱ The Formation of Surname Rules and Customs /27
Early Traces of Surname Customs /27
Large-cale Granting of Land in the Xi Zhou Dynasty /39
Acquiring Ming and Selecting Zi /49
Summary /57
Ⅲ Establishment of the Surname System in the
Feudal Society /60~83
Large cale Changes in the Early Hart Dynasty /60
The Custom of Acquiring Ming in the Han and Wei
Dynasties /69
Tracing Nicknames /75
Naming Taboos and Changing the Surname /77
The RAse of Powerful Families /82
IV Publicizing the Honorable Surnames /84
The Family-oriented Society /84
The Popularization of GenealogicaI Charts /91
Surnames of Celebrated Families and Ancestral Hall Names/94
V The Times of a Variety of Names /103~134
The Decline of Aristocracy /103
Name-choosing Customs of the Wei-Jin Dynasties and Afterwards /107
Aliases and Elegant Titles /111
Nicknames /121
Imperial Titles /126
VI The Era ofthe Popularization of Full Names /135-177
The Appearance of Popular Surnames /135
Genealogical Records and the Ordering of Names /141
Stage Nanaes /147
Naming Traditions after the Song and Yuan Dynasties /151
Name and Fate /161
Pen Names /164
Names in Poetry /170
Name Couplets /173
VII Trends in Contemporary Name Development/178-192
Overview of the Twentieth Century /178
Future Naming Trends /184
Translator's Note /193


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