At the basis of human activities there exist concepts, their connections, and their activations, which are best represented and drove by national language expressions. Therefore, the construction of AI systems which involve natural language processing deeply is one of the most important topics in artificial intelligence research. .This paper discusses what kind of knowledge is used in which way and why such usage is necessary in the application systems, such as a dialogue system, a next generation information retrieval system, and a machine translation system, in order to give real satisfaction to all the customers. ..A next generation information retrieval system should provide the customers abstracted or distilled summaries for the clusters obtained from the huge amount of retrieved texts, and also give some additional information, such as how reliable these summaries are, whether there are contradictory information in the retrieved texts, whether the summaries/retrieved texts are true, false or doubtful in reference to the solid/established knowledge, etc..Finally a future direction will be suggested about the next generation AI systems, such that a system should have a self-enhancing capability or self learning ability. For example, natural language systems should have the ability of converting incoming information into knowledge and enhancing knowledge automatically or semi-automatically. ...
KEYNOTE AND PLENARY SPEECHES A New Frontier in Computation-Computaion with Information Described in Natural Language Knowledge and Its Use in Natural Language Processing Mechaning Approach That Unifies AI Describing and Generating Multimodal Conterts Featuring Affective Lifelike Agents Artificial Intelligence as A Technology of Approximation Network Intelligence Data Mining:Challenges and Opportunties Brain Amplifier for Holistic Knowledge Management Usiug New Generation of Al Control of Collective Behavior for Multi-Robotic Systems WA1 Artificial Life On Turing Computability of Kinase Computing Research on The Computing Model of Tropism Developing for Virtual Plants An Intelligent Control System Based on Artificial Brain Service-Oriented Multi-Softman Collaboration and Negotiation Mechanism The Action-Selection and Evolution Structure of Artificial Life Based on Schema Theory The Research for The Optimal Routing Problem Based on Ant Colony Algorithm The Design of A New Knowledge Discovery System Based on Multi-Agent One Intelligent Solution in Thermo Flow Network Computation A Research of Artificial Psychology Model Based on Consciousness An Emotion Model Applied in Recommender System Interaction Cognitive Model Used in Usability Model Check Process A Synthesis of Emotion in Emotion Vector Space 3D Intelligent Virtual Character in Artificial Society Intelligent Virtual Character:A Review on Intersection Between Artificial Life and Computer Animation Study on Modeling and Coordnating for Artificial Brain Intelligent System Based on Brain High-Level Centrum Neural System WA2 Automated Reasoning WA3 Computer Vision and Perception WA4 Engineering Applications WA5 Evolutionary Computing WA6 Fuzzy Systems WA7 Industrial Application WP1 Intelligent Agents WP2 Intelligent Control and Modeling WP3 Inteligent Systems and Algorithms WP4 Machine Learning and Data Mining WP5 Naturl Language Processing and Speech Rocogntion WP6 Neural Networks WP7 AI Challenges WP8 Robotics