Preface Part One ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY Chaper I Socrates' Predecessors What Is Permanent in Existence? Thales Anaximander Anaximenes The Mathematical Basis of All Things Pythagoras Attempts to Explain Change Heraclitus Parmenides Zeno Empedocles Anaxagoras The Atomists Atoms and the Void Theory of Knowledge and Ethics Chaper 2 The Sophists and Socrates The Sophists Protagoras Gorgias Thrasymachus Socrates Socrates' Life Socrates as a Philosopher Socrates' Theory of Knowledge: Intellectual Midwifery Socrates' Moral Thought Socrates' Trial and Death Chaper 3 Plato Plato's Life Theory of Knowledge The Cave The Divided Line Theory of Forms Moral Philosophy The Concept of the Soul The Cause of Evil: Ignorance or Forgetfulness Recovering Lost Morality Virtue as Fulfillment of Function Political Philosophy The State as a Giant Person The Philosopher-King The Virtues in the State The Decline of the Ideal State View of the Cosmos Chaper 4 Aristotle …… Part Two HELLENISTIC AND MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY Chaper 5 Classical Philosophy after Aristotle Chaper 6 Augustine Chaper 7 Philosophy in the Early Middle Ages Chaper 8 Aquinas and his Late Medieval Successors Part Three EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY Chaper 9 Philosophy during the Renaissance Chaper 10 Rationalism on the Continent Chaper 11 Empiricism in Britain Part Four LATE MODERN AND19TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY Chaper 12 Kant Chapter13 German Idealism Chaper 14 Utilitarianism and Positivism Chaper 15 Kierkegaard, Marx, and Nietzsche Part Five 20TH CENTURY AND CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY Chaper 16 Pragmatism and Process Philosophy Chaper 17 Analytic Philosophy Chaper 18 Phenomenology and Existentialism Chapter 19 Recent Philosophy Glossary A Selected Bibliography Index