上冊 編者的話 導(dǎo)言 第一編 詩歌 W.B.Yeats: The Symbolism of Poetry Ezra Pound: A Retrospect T.S.Eliot: Tradition and the Individual Talent Paul Valry: Poetry and Abstract Thought: Dancing and Walking Yvor Winters: Preliminary Problems Northrop Frye: Literature as Context: Milton s Lycidas 第二編 小說 Henry James: Preface to The Ambassadors Virginia Woolf: Modern Fiction D.H.Lawrence:Morality and the Novel Why the Novel Matters Jean-Paul Sartre:Why Write ? Georg Luckacs: The Ideology of Modernism Wayne Booth: “Objectivity” in Fiction 第三編 戲劇 G.Wilson Knight:Macbeth and the Metaphysic of Evil L.C.Knights: Restoration Comedy: The Reality and the Myth Francis Fergusson: Oedipus Rex: The Tragic Rhythm of Action Christopher Innes: Modernism in Drama Raymond Williams: Modern Tragedy Terry Eagleton: The Value of Agony 下冊 批評方法概覽 T.S.Eliot: The Function of Criticism Edmund Wilson: Marxism and Literature Roland Barthes: Criticism as Language Susan Sontag: Against Interpretation Sara Blair: Modernism and the Politics of Culture Marianne Dekoven: Modernism and Gender Astradur Eysteinsson: The Making of Modernist Paradigms Julia Kristeva: From One Identity to an Other Steven Connor: Rewriting Wrong: On the Ethics of Literary Reversion Anne Balsamo: Feminism for the Incurably Informed Ralph Cohen: Do Postmodern Genres Exist? John Barth: The Literature of Exhaustion Chinua Achebe: Colonialist Criticism Kwame Anthony Appiah: The Postcolonial and the Postmodern Partha Chatterjee: Nationalism as a Problem David Lodge: Modernism, Antimodernism and Postmodernism