The progress that has been made SO far in economic and social development terms has captured world attention and is hailed as representing a historic change for the whole of humankind.Gaining a better understanding of China has thus become the ardent desire of many far-sighted people in the world.The republishing of this book embodies our sincere desire to satisfy this need.
STRUCTURE OF THE STATE The National Flag of the People's Republic of China The National Emblem of the People's Republic of China National Anthem of the People's Republic of China Organizational Structure of the National Congress of CPC Organizational Structure of the NPC Organizational Structure of the State Council Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee CPPCC National Committee and Leaders Proportion of Deputies to the 10th NPC Composition of the 10th CPPCC 113 Laws Adopted by the 9th NPC and Its Standing Committee Motions Received and Handled by the CPPCC Basic Situation of the Eight Democratic Parties Map of Administrative Divisions in China GEOGRAPHY NATUARAL RESOURCES HISTORY AND CULTURE ECONOMIC CONSTRUCTION SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SCIENCE AND EDUCATION TRAFFIC TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LIVELIHOOD TOURISM NATIONAL DEFENSE CHINA AND THE WORLD