Editorial Board of Studies on the Chinese Market Economy SeriesChief Editms'.Gao Shangquan (b. September 1929), native of Shanghai; vice-minister of State Commission for Restructurmg Economy, 1985-1993; executive vice- president of Chinese Society of Econom- ic Restructurmg, 1991-1995; president of China (Hainan) Institute for Reform and Development, 1995. Author of Eco- nomic Structural Reform in China, Se- lected Works of Gao Shangquan, and others.Chi Fulin (b. August 1951), native of Penglai, Shandong Province; execu- tive vice-president of China (Hainan) Institute for Reform and Development and vice-president of Chinese Society of Economic Restructurmg. Author of On Economic Reform in the Reshaping Peri- od, and others.Members:Sun Xiuping (b. 1962), director of Research Department, China (Hainan) Institute for Reform and Development.Zhu Huayou (b. 1961), deputy di- rector of Research Department, China (Hainan) Insdtute for Reform and De- velopment.
Chapter 1
Inflation in the Changing of Economic Structure
I. The Reasons for Inflation in China
II. The Influence of Inflation on Society's Economic Life
III. The Road Ahead for Inflation
Chapter 2
Inflation Control During Economic Development
I. China Must Maintain Rapid Economic Development
II. Raising the Quality of Investment is the Crux of Controlling
Transitional-Type Inflation While Maintaining Relatively
High-speed Growth
III. Reasonably Fast Economic Growth and Relatively Low
Inflation Can Be Mutually Achieved
Chapter 3
Check Inflation Effectively and Deepen the Reform
I. Reform the Prices of Farm Products and Check Inflation
II. Reform State-owned Enterprises and Check Inflation
III. Reform the Banking System and Check Inflation
IV. Accelerate the Process of Marketization and Check Infla-
V Anticipation and Checking Inflation
Chapter 4
Control Inflation Effectively in the Course of Opening the
Country Still Wider to the Outside World
I. Appropriately Appraise the Influence of Overseas Invest-
ment on Inflation
II. Tighten the Exchange Control and Gradually Effect the
Full Convertibility of RMB
III. Make Full and Good Use of International Exchange to
Regulate Supply and Demand at Home
Chapter 5
Curbing Inflation while Perfecting Macro-Control
I. Macro-Control Under the Pressure of Inflation
II. The Financial Policy to Check Inflation
III. The Monetary Policy for Checking Inflation
IV. Check Inflation and Control and Guide Consumption
V. Macro-Control and Regional Economic Development