Chapter 11 Booting and Initialization 229
* The Shell 229
* The .profile Script 230
·Exercise 11-1 231
* Writing Startup Scripts 231
·Processing Shell Arguments 231
·Testing File Properties 232
·Looping 234
·Using Shell Variables 235
* Package Management 236
·Getting Information About Packages 237
·Viewing Package Information with pkginfo 238
·Viewing Package Information with admintool 238
·Installing a Solaris Package Using the CLI 241
·Uninstalling a Solaris Package Using the CLI 243
·Installing a Solaris Package with admintool 244
·Uninstalling a Solaris Package Using admintool 249
·Solstice Launcher 250
·Package Commands 251
·install 251
* Summary 252
·Questions 252
·Answers 253
Chapter 12 Disk Configuration and Naming 255
* Physical and Logical Device Names 255
* The format Command 256
* The /etc/path_to_inst File 256
* The dmesg Command 258
* The prtconf Command 260
·mkfile 261
·mkfs 261
·newfs 262
·lofiadm 263
·sync 263
·tunefs 263
* Summary 264
·Questions 264
·Answers 266
Chapter 13 Disk Partitions and Format 267
* Hard Disk Layout 267
* Formatting 269
·Mounting Local File Systems 273
·Unmounting Local File Systems 275
·Configuring /etc/vfstab 275
·mount 276
·umount 277
* Summary 278
·Questions 278
·Answers 280
Chapter 14 Backups 281
* Understanding Backups 281
·Why Do You Need Backups? 282
·Determining a Backup Strategy 283
* Selecting Backup Media 285
·Tape 286
·Hard Drives 286
·Zip/Jaz Disks 288
·CD-Rs and CD-RWs 288
* Backup and Restore 289
·Using tar 289
·Using cpio 292
·Using dd 293
·Using ufsdump and ufsrestore 293
* Summary 296
·Questions 296
·Answers 298
Chapter 15 Basic Command Syntax 299
* Text Processing Utilities 299
* sed and awk 304
·sed 307
·awk 307
* Installing Patches 308
·Patch Example 311
·patchadd 312
·patchrm 312
* Summary 313
·Questions 313
·Answers 315
Chapter 29 Solaris Management Console 515
* Introduction to SMC 515
* Starting the SMC 516
* Working with the SMC 518
* Summary 527
·Questions 528
·Answers 530