Part 1 fundamentals Chapter 1 inytofuvyion to computer programming 1.1 History and Hardware 1.2 Programming Languages 1.3 Algorithms 1.4 the software development process 1.5 case study:design and development 1.6 common programming errors 1.7 chapter summary 1.8 chapter appendix:numerical storage codes chapter 2 getting started in C programming 2.1 introduction to c programming 2.2 programming style 2.3 data types 2.4 arithemtic operations 2.5 variables and declarations 2.6 case study:temperature conversion 2.7 programming and compiler errors 2.8 chapter summary 2.9 chapter supplement:memory allocation chapter 3 processing and interactive input 3.1 assignment 3.2 mathematical library functions 3.3 interactive input 3.4 formatted output 3.5 Symbolic constants 3.6 case study:interactive input 3.7 common programming and compiler errors 3.8 chapter summary 3.9 chapter supplement:introduction to abstraction Part 2 flow of control chapter 4 selection 4.1 Relational Expressions 4.2 the if and if-else statements 4.3 the if-else chain 4.4 the switch statement 4.5 case study:data validation 4.6 common programming and compiler errors 4.7 chapter summary 4.8 chapter supplement:errors,Testing,and debugging Chapter 5 repetition 5.1 basic loop structures 5.2 the while statement 5.3 computing sums and averages using a while loop 5.4 tje fpr statement 5.5 case studies:loop programming techniques 5.6 nested loops 5.7 the do-while statement 5.8 common programming and compiler errors 5.9 chapter summary chapter 6 modularity using funclions:part 1 6.1 function and parameter declarations 6.2 returning a value 6.3 case study:calculating age norms 6.4 standard library functions 6.5 common programming and compiler errors 6.6 chapter summary Chapter 7 modularity using functions:part 2 7.1 variable scope 7.2 variable storage class 7.3 pass by reference 7.4 case study:swapping values 7.5 recursion 4 7.6 common programming and compiler erors 7.7 chapter summary Part 3 completing the basics chapter 8 arrays 8.1 one-dimensional arrays 8.2 array initialization 8.3 arrays as function arguments 8.4 case study:computing averages and standard deviations 8.5 two -dimensional arrays 8.6 common programming and compiler errors 8.7 chapter summary 8.8 chapter supplement:searching and sorting methods Chapter 9 character strings 9.1 string fundamentals 9.2 library functions 9.3 input data validation 9.4 formatting strings(optional) 9.5 case study:character and word counting 9.6 common programming and compiler errors 9.7 chapter summary chapter 10 data files 10.1 declaring,opening,and closing file streamsfile streams 10.2 Reading from and writing to text files 10.3 random file access 10.4 passing and returning filenames 10.5 case study:creating and using a table of constants 10.6 writing and reading binary files(optional) 10.7 common programming and compiler errors 10.8 chapter summary 10.9 chapter supplement:control codes Part 4 Additional Topics Chapter 11 arrays,addresses,and pointers 11.1 array names as pointers 11.2 manipulating pointers 11.3 passing and using array addresses 11.4 processing strings using pointers 11.5 creating strings using pointers 11.6 common programming and compiler errors 11.7 chaper summary chapter 12 structures 12.1 single structures 12.2 arrays structures 12.3 passing and returning structures 12.4 unions 12.5 common programming and compiler errors 12.6 chapter summary chapter 13 dynamic data structures 13.1 introduction to linked lists 13.2 dynamic memory allocation 13.3 stacks 13.4 queues 13.5 dynamically linked lists 13.6 common programming and compiler errors 13.7 chapter summary chapter 14 additional capabilities 14.1 additional features 14.2 bit operations 14.3 macros 14.4 command-line arguments 14.5 common programming and compiler errors 14.6 chapter summary Chapter 15 a brief introduction to C++ 15.1 procedural programming in C++ 15.2 object-oriented C++ 15.3 Common programming and compiler errors 15.4 chapter summary Appendix A operator precedence table Appendix B ASCII character codes Appendix C the standard C library Appendix D input,output,and standard error redirection Appendix E floating-point number storage Appendix F creating a personal library Appendix G solutions to short answer questions