一畫 一鳴驚人………………………3 Making A First Surprising Cry………4 一箭雙雕………………………8 Kill Two Birds with One Stone…………………………9 一朝一夕………………………12 A Day and A Night…………… ……13 一鼓作氣………………………16 Pressing on to the Finish without Letup………………… ………………18 一竅不通………………………21 Athe Holes in Heart Are Obstructed……………………22 一毛不拔………………………25 lot Pulling out A Hair from the Body………………………… ………………26 一葉障目………………………29 Covering Eyes by A Leaf…… ………30 一衣帶水………………………31 A Belt ofWater………………34 一錢不值………………………37 Not Worth A Coin……………38 一暴十寒………………………40 One Day under the Sun and Ten Days in Coldness………… …………………41 一字千金………………………44 One Thousand Liang of Gold for One Word…………………… ……………45 一身是膽………………………48 Brave from Head to Toe……… ……49 二畫 人面桃花………………………55 A Face Being like Peach Blossoms………………………… ………………57 人言可畏………………………59 Gossip Is A Fearful Thing… ………61 人棄我取………………………… ……61 Taking What Others Do Not Want……………………………63 …… 三畫…… 四畫…… 五畫……