Chapter One What is this book all about 1.1 Preview Discussion: What is this book all about? 1.2 Professor's Lecture on "What is this book all about? 1.2.1 Why should we write a book like this? 1.2.2 What theoretical considerations do we have for this book? 1.2.4 How can you use this book more efficiently? 1.3.2 Episode Discussion 1.4 Sample Demonstration 1.6.1 Suggested Activities Chapter Two Why should we do research? 2.1 Preview Discussion: Why should we do research? 2.2 Professor's Lecture on "Why should we do research? 2.2.2 Academic research and practical work, can they meet somewhere? 2.2.3 How can we relate our research to our work or vice versa? 2.2.4 How can we improve our work by research? 2.3.1 Theme Discussion 2.3.2 Episode Discussion 2.5 Follow-up Practice 2.6.1 Suggested Activities 2.6.2 Suggested Readings Chapter Three What are the fundamental issues in scientific study? 3.1 Preview Discussion: What are the fundamental issues in scientific study? 3 2 Professor's Lecture on "What are the fundamental issues 3.2.1 What do we mean by "fundamental"? 3.2.2 How can weidentify major problems? 3.2.3 How can we avoid the dilemma of a necessary job 3.2.4 Whatis our focus, micro or macro? 3.3.1 Theme Discussion 3.3.2 Episode Discussion 3.4 Sample Demonstration 3.5 Follow-up Practice 3.6 Suggested Activities and Readings 3.6.2 Suggested Readings Chapter Four How can we develop our research potential? 4.1 Preview Discussion: How can we develop our research potential? 4.2 Professor's Lecture on "How can we develop our research potential?" 4.2.1 What are the crucial factors in the development of our research potential? 4.2.2 To what degree should we rely on our "old" knowledge? 4.2.3 What is the importance of our personality or working style in research? 4.2.4 Star student or good researcher, does it make a difference? 4.4 Sample Demonstration '4.5 Follow-up Practice 4.6.1 Suggested Activities 4.6.2 Suggested Readings Chapter Five How can we choose a meaningful topic? 5.1 Preview Discussion: How can we choose a meaningful topic? 5.2 Professor's Lecture on "How can we choose a meaningful topic? 5.2.2 How can we develop our sensitivity in setting up some 5.3.1 Theme Discussion 5.3.2 Episode Discussion 5.4 Sample Demonstration 5.5 Follow-up Practice 5.6.2 Suggested Readings 5.6.3 Websites Available Chapter Six What should we know about the chosen theme? Chapter Seven How do we conduct research planning? Chapter Eight How can we adopt a pattern of discourse? Chapter Nine How do we produce an abstract? Chapter Ten How do we choose a format? References Appendices