This publication is the third in a series of 25 volumes of the Flora of China Illustrations that willcover more than 40 percent of the vascular plants of China. This volume accompanies the Flora of Chinavolume 15, which was published in 1996 and treated 65 genera with 1,079 species in the familiesMyrsinaceae, Primulaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae, Symplocaceae, Styracaceae,Oleaceae, and Loganiaceae. This volume of illustrations includes 302 figures representing 682 speciesfrom these families. Figures 1-20 illustrate 73 species of the Myrsinaceae, figures 21-132 illustrate 260species of the Primulaceae, figures 133-140 illustrate 32 species of the Plumbaginaceae, figures 141-147illustrate 18 species of the Sapotaceae, figures 148-169 illustrate 53 species of the Ebenaceae, figures 170-196 illustrate 39 species of the Symplocaceae, figures 197-219 illustrate 46 species of the Styracaceae,figures 220-276 illustrate 127 species of the Oleaceae, and figures 277-302 illustrate 34 species of theLoganiaceae.The illustrations are arranged according to the sequence of families, genera, and species in FOCvolume 15, except when a figure includes more than one taxon, the sequence is determined by the firstspecies listed in the compound figure. Species treated in FRPS but not in FOC are listed at the end of thegenus to which they belong, and genera treated in FRPS but not in FOC are given at the end of the family.For example, figure 147 illustrates Manilkara zapota, of which both the genus and species were treated inFRPS but not in FOC and, therefore, it is illustrated at the end of the Plumbaginaceae. Infraspecific taxaare also included. Some highly variable species are illustrated more than once because they were treated asindependent taxa in FRPS but reduced to synonymy in FOC.Names of recognized taxa are in boldface, and author names follow FOC. Each recognized taxonis followed by its Chinese name and the Piny in transliteration of that name. Italicized names refer to taxaaccepted in FRPS but reduced to synonymy in FOC, and they are given immediately after the Pinyin name,except where a portion of the illustration was determined differently in FRPS. Page numbers for thedescriptions in FOC and for the figure number, volume number, and year of publication of the FRPSvolume, as well as name of the artist in Chinese and Pinyin, are listed in parenthesis at the end of thecaption. Names of artists who modified the illustrations for FOC are also given in Chinese and Pinyinfollowing those of the original FRPS artist. To avoid repetition, FOC volume number and year ofpublication are not given. However, the FRPS accounts of these families appeared in four books publishedin different years and, therefore, the volume and year are mentioned in the captions of each figure. Forcompound figures illustrating several taxa (e.g., figures 3 and 272), the range of FOC page numbers isgiven instead of listing the page number for each illustrated taxon.Indexes to figure numbers are given for the Chinese names, their Pinyin transliterations, and thescientific names.
暫缺《Flora of Chian Illustrations Volume 15》作者簡(jiǎn)介
Foreword Acknowledgments Myrsinaceae 紫金牛科 zijin niu ke Primulaceae 報(bào)春花科 bao chun hua ke Plumbaginaceae白花丹科 baihua dan ke Sapotaceae 山攬科 shan lan ke Ebenaceae 才市科 shike Symplocaceae 山鞏科 shan fan ke Styracaceae 安息香科 an xixian ke Oleaceae 木犀科 mu xike Loganiaceae 馬錢(qián)科 qie ke Index to Chinese names Index to Pinyin names Index to Scientific names Index to familiesin the Flora of china and the FRPS