general lntroduction to read into human civilization and culture introduction to book 1-universe,environment and life part 1 the big bang and afterwards unit 1 the big bang and the universe text A the mother earth's place in the universe text B challenging the big :the beginnigng of everything unit 2 early forms of life text A evolution and life text B living things unit 3 the lnfinite variety and evolution text A the ilfinite variety text B the cambrian ecplosion-the big bang of life part 2 physical environment unit 4 lakes and the landscape text A lakes and the landscape text B how lakes begin,evolve and change text C great lakes of the world unit 5 the fascination of lslands text A1 how lslands are formed text A2 skomer: a case study of lsiand life(to be continued) text B skomer:a case study of lsland life(continued) unit 6 the mysterious amazon river text A european discovery of the amazon river basin text B the amazon rain forest and its tribes people text C manaus:coastal city and jungle capital part 3 the continents unit 7 the formation of the continents,and africa text A the continents text B africa unit 8 asia and americas text A asia text B north and south america unit 9 europe and oceania text A europe text B oceania Part 4 towards an understandong of animals unit 10 animal communication text A von frisch's study of the signaling systems of bees text B birds'communicative behaviour text C signalling and evolution:the development of ethology unit 11 the mental life of animals text A1 the mental life of animals text A2 a day in the life of a chimpanzee community text B1 qualities needed for successful research into animal behaviour text B2 coolness in a disastrous encounter unit 12 what can we learn from nature text A Observing the social life of african wild dogs text B2 medicines from the amazon rain eorest text B2 medical uses of natural poisons part 5 life on land,sea and air …… part 6 man and the environment ……