Unit1 Greek Mythology Unit2 Greek Mythology Unit3 Shakespeare Unit4 The Success of Literature Unit5 Benjamin Franklin Unit6 The English Language Unit7 Nonverbal Communication Unit8 Movies Unit9 TV Unit10 Chivalry Unit11 Music Unit12 Tower,Tower,Tower Unit13 Ancient Architecture Unit14 Beethoven and Michelangelo Unit15 Enjoy Art Unit16 Wedding Ceremonies Unit17 Amall Town Life Unit18 Customs of India Unit19 Funeral Customs Unit20 Wedding Ceremonies Unit21 Greek Tradition Unit22 American Cuiture Unit23 The American Character Unit24 Women of the 1920s and Women Today Unit25 American Class Structure-the Upper Class Unit26 American Class Structure-the Middle and Lower Classes Unit27 Religion Unit28 The Bible Unit29 Conformity and Groupthink Unit30 Teachings of Great Masters of the East and the West 附錄一 Key to the Exercise 附錄二 Glossary