PREFACE FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION CRAPTER 1: INTRODCION TO EXPERT SYSTEMS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 What Is an Expert System? 1.3 Advantages of Expert Systems 1.4 General Concepts of Expert Systems 1.5 Characteristics of an Expert System 1.6 The Development of Expert Systems Technology 1.7 Expert Systems Applications and Domains 1.8 Languages, Shells, and Tools 1.9 Elements of an Expert System 1.10 Production Systems 1.11 Procedural Paradigms 1.12 Nonprocedural Paradigms 1.13 Artificial Neural Systems 1.14 Connectionist Expert Systems and Inductive Learning 1.15 Summary
CHAPTER 2: THE REPRESENTATION OF KNOWLEDGE 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Meaning of Knowledge 2.3 Productions 2.4 Semantic Nets 2.5 Object-Attribute-Value Triples 2.6 PROLOG and Semantic Nets 2.7 Difficulties with Semantic Nets 2.8 Schemata 2.9 Frames 2.10 Difficulties with Frames 2.11 Logic and Sets 2.12 Propositional Logic 2.13 The First Order Predicate Logic 2.14 The Universal Quantifier 2.15 The Existential Quantifier 2.16 Quantifiers and Sets 2.17 Limitations of Predicate Logic 2.18 Summary
CHAPTER 3: METHODS OF INFERENCE 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Tress, Lattices, and Graphs 3.3 State and Problem Spaces 3.4 And-Or Trees and Goals 3.5 Deductive Logic and Syllogisms 3.6 Rules of Inference 3.7 Limitations of Propositional Logic 3.8 First Order Predicate Logic 3.9 Logic Systems 3.10 Resolution 3.11 Resolution Systems and Deduction 3.12 Shallow and Causal Reasoning 3.13 Resolution and First Order Predicate Logic 3.14 Forward and Backward Chaining 3.16 Metaknowledge 3.17 summary
CHAPTER 4: Reasoning Under Uncertainty 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Uncertainty 4.3 Types of Error 4.4 Errors and Induction 4.5 Classical Probability 4.6 Experimental and Subjective Probabilities 4.7 Compound Probabilities 4.8 Conditional Probabilities 4.9 Hypothetical Reasoning and Backward Induction 4.10 Temporal Reasoning and Markov Chains 4.11 The Odds of Belief 4.12 Sufficiency and Necessity 4.13 Uncertainty in Inference Chains 4.14 The Combination of Evidence 4.15 Inference Nets 4.16 The Propagation of Probabilities 4.17 Summary
CHAPTER 5: INEXACT REASONING 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Uncertainty and Rules 5.3 Certainty Factors 5.4 Dempster-Shafer Theory 5.5 Approximate Reasoning 5.6 The State of Uncertainty 5.7 Summary
CHAPTER 6: DESIGN OF EXPERT SYSTEMS 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Selecting the Appropriate Problem 6.3 Stages in the Development of an Expert System 6.4 Errors in Development Stages 6.5 Software Engineering and Expert Systems 6.6 The Expert System Life Cycle 6.7 A Detailed Life Cycle Model 6.8 Summary
CHAPTER 7: INTRODUCTION TO CLIPS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 CLIPS 7.3 Notation 7.4 Fields 7.5 Entering and Exiting CLIPS 7.6 Facts 7.7 Adding and Removing Facts 7.8 Modifying and Duplicating Facts 7.9 The Watch Command 7.10 The Deffacts Construct 7.11 The Components of a Rule 7.12 The Agenda and Execution 7.13 Commands for Manipulating Constructs 7.14 The Printout Command 7.15 Using Multiple Rules 7.16 The Set-Break Command 7.17 Loading and Saving Constructs 7.18 Commenting Constructs 7.19 Summary
CHAPTER 8: PATTERN MATCHING 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Variables 8.3 Multiple Use of Variables 8.4 Fact Addresses 8.5 Single-Field Wildcards 8.6 Blocks World 8.7 Multifield Wildcards and Variables 8.8 Field Constraints 8.9 Functions and Expressions 8.10 Summing Values Using Rules 8.11 The Bind Function 8.12 I/O Functions 8.13 Summary
CHAPTER 9: ADVANCED PATTERN MATCHING 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Game of Sticks 9.3 Input Techniques 9.4 Predicate Functions 9.5 The Test Conditional Element 9.6 The Predicate Field Constraint 9.7 The Return Value Field Constraint 9.8 The Sticks Program 9.9 The OR Conditional Element 9.10 The AND Conditional Element 9.11 The NOT Conditional Element 9.12 The EXISTS Conditional Element 9.13 The FORALL Conditional Element 9.14 The LOGICAL Conditional Element 9.15 Utility Commands 9.16 Summary
CHAPTER 10: MODULAR DESIGN AND EXECUTION CONTROL 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Deftemplate Attributes 10.3 Salience 10.4 Phases and Control Facts 10.5 Misuse of Salience 10.6 The Defmodule Construct 10.7 Importing and Exporting Facts 10.8 Modules and Execution Control 10.9 Summary
CHAPTER 11: EFFICIENLCY IN RULE-BASED LANGUAGES 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The Rete Pattern-Matching Algorithm 11.3 The Pattern Network 11.4 The Join Network 11.5 The Importance of Pattern Order 11.6 Ordering Patterns for Efficiency 11.7 Multifield Variables and Efficiency 11.8 The Test CE and Efficiency 11.9 Built-In Pattern-Matching Constraints 11.10 General Rules versus Specific Rules 11.11 Procedural Functions 11.12 Simple Rules versus Complex Rules 11.13 Loading and Saving Farts 11.14 Summary
CHAPTER 12: EXPERT SYSTEM DESIGN EXAMPLES 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Certainty Factors 12.3 Decision Trees 12.4 Backward Chaining 12.5 A Monitoring Problem 12.6 Summary