秀蘭·鄧波兒·布萊克1928年4月23日出生于美國加利福尼亞州的圣莫尼卡,是20世紀30年代的好萊塢天才童星,她4歲踏足銀幕,6歲風靡世界影壇,7歲獲得奧斯卡金像特別獎,10歲已經稱霸好萊塢票房,成為最具號召力的電影明星。 40年代末,鄧波兒淡出影壇,結婚生子。20年后再次出現時,已經成為政壇新星。 2005年9月12日,美國演員工會宣布,他們將把表彰事業(yè)成就和人道主義貢獻的“終身成就獎”授予秀蘭·鄧波兒·布萊克。 作者簡介 jean blashfield has written about ninety books,most of them for young people.she likes best to write about interesting places ,but she loves history and science too.in fact,one fo her big advantages as a writer is that she becomes fascinated by just about every subject she investigates.she has created an encyclopedia of aviation and space,written popular books on murderers and house plants,and had a lot fun creating an early book on the things women have done ,called hellraisers ,heroines,and holy women.