【內容提要】 本書在教授修辭寫作范式的同時強調了學習不同問題的功能,有效地緩解了學生對于英語寫作課的憂慮,增強了學生表達自我的愿望,并且切切實實學習了修辭寫作,打下了扎實的英語寫作基礎。本書絕非為應試而作。不過經過行之有效的學習,具備了扎實的英語寫作功底,既已獲“漁之道”,又何必懼怕各種考試中的寫作題目呢? 【目錄】 Part I:Laying a Strong Foundation for Writing: Composing Stages and Wrriting Standards 第一部分寫作基礎:寫作步驟和寫作標準 1.Introduction1.1 The Importance of Essay Writing1.2 Levels of(American)College Student Essays1.3 Common College Essay Assignments1.4 The Aim and Organization of the Book2.How to Generate Ideas:Planning2.1 Find a Good Topic2.2 Understand a Given Topic2.3 Generate Ideas for a Topic2.4 Get a Plan for Organization2.5 Use Criteria to Form Strong Main Points 3.How to Organize Ideas:Drafting3.1 Drafting versus Planning3.2 Outlining before Drafting3.3 Writing the Introduction3.4 Writing Body Paragraphs3.5 Writing the Conclusion 4.How to Polish Ideas:Revising4.1 Be Willing to Make Changes4.2 Understand Writing Standards:Unity,Coherence and Support4.3 Revise for Better Focus and Organization 4.4 Revise for Better Coherence4.5 Revise for Better Support4.6 Revise for Grammatical CorrectnessPartⅡ:wrua,~to Share 第二部分分享寫作 5.Sharing Experiences:Narrating 5.1 HOW to Plan for a Narrative5.2 How to Organize a Narrative:Narrative Structure5.3 How to Maintain a Clear Narrative Sequence5.4 How to Establish a Credible Narrator and Point Of View5.5 How to Tell a Compelling StoryStudent Essay The KissSamuef H Scudder“Take This Fish and Look at It”Edgar Alan Poe The Tell—Tale Heart 6.Sharing Images and Impressions:Describing6.1 Using Objective and Subjective Description6.2 Describing with Sensory Details6.3 Describing with Figurative Language6.4 Creating Physical Image and Character Image6.5 Creating Images with Dialogue and ExampleWilliam Spooner Donald Will Someone Please Hiccup My Pat?Stephen Leacock My Discovery of England 7.Sharing Examples:Illustrating7.1 Consider This Example7.2 Illustrate a Point with Specific Examples7.3 Illustrate a Point with Typical Examples7.4 Use Both Types of ExamplesJohn Leo No Books,Please;We’re StudentsSamuel Johnson On the Art of AdvertisingStephen King Ever Et Raw Meat?8.Sharing Ideas:Informing8.1 Topics for an Informative Essay8.2 How to Plan for an Informational Essay8.3 How to Organize an Informative Essay8.4 How to Make an Essay(More)InformativeStudent Essay Attaining Success in CollegeSherry Sweetnam How to Organize Your Thoughts for Better CommunicationJeanine Barone Surprising Super FoodsPart Ⅲ:Writing to Understand 第三部分認識寫作Part IV:Writiong to Explore第四部分 探研寫作附錄參考書目