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定 價:¥29.90

作 者: 錢瑗著
出版社: 外語教學與研究出版社
叢編項: 高等學校英語專業(yè)系列教材
標 簽: 英語 文體 高等學校 教材 英文

ISBN: 9787560053745 出版時間: 2006-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 252 字數(shù):  


  《實用英語文體學》是依據(jù)我國高等院校英語專業(yè)《英語文體學》教學大綱(1984)編寫的,可供高等(師范)院校英語專業(yè)本科高年級學生使用,也可供研究生和青年老師參考。 本教材自1981年起就在北京師范大學英語專業(yè)高處級和研究生班使用;北京外國語學院英語研修班、中山大學、南京解放寫國際關系學院也曾全部或部分采用過這個教材。在此期間,筆者曾對教材作過四次較大的修改。本書的重點是當代英語非文學語言體分析。本書分兩個單元。第一單元第一章介紹了語體分析所必需的術語和語言分析方法。第二至第四章所歸納的語體特點可供分析時查閱,教師應根據(jù)學生實際水平擇要講解,不必拘泥。第二單元介紹了幾種常見的英語語體,使學生較系統(tǒng)地了解這幾種語體的典型特點,以提高對英語語體的敏感性。




0.1 definition
0.2 institution as well as system
0.3 concepts of style
0.4 the needs for stylistics
0.5 scope and organization of the book
unit one a framework of analysis of style
1 procedure of analysis
1.1 the concept of text
1.2 the concept of context
1.3 levels of linguistic description
1.4 consistency and relative frequency
1.5 the placing of a text
1.6 principle of comparison
1.7 summary: a procedure of analysis
2 potential style markers (1) ~ markers in phonology and graphology
2.1 potential style markers in phonology
2.1.1 elision ~ ~
2.1.2 sound patterning
2.1.3 onomatopoeia
2.2 potential style markers in graphology ..
2.2.1 punctuation
2.2.2 paragraphingcontents
3 potentlal style markers(2):markers ln syntax
3.1 the basic clause structure and the classiflcatlon of clause types
3.1.1 the basic clause structure
3.1.2 ciause types(1)
3.1.3 clause types(2)
3.1.4 ciause types(3)
3.2 clauses as srruation types
3.2.1 types of verb meaning
3.2.2 participant roies
3.2.3 anaiysis of s_tuation types and its appiicatlon
3.3 sentence types
3.3.1 simpie and muitipie sentences
3.3.2 maior and minor sentences
3.4 noun phrases
3.5 syntax and the composrrl0n of text
3.5.1 sequence and segmentation
3.5.2 sequence and saiience segmentation and saiience phrase order and saijence paralle¨sm and emdhasis
3.5.3 segmentation and cohesjon
questions and exercises
4 potential style markers(3):lexical choice
4.1 anglo-sax0n or latinate words
4.2 general or speclfic words
4.3 conceptual or associative meaning
4.4 other features of le.x]cal items
4.5 lex]cal choice and the shaping of text
4.5.1 verbal repetition and reiteration
4.5.2 collocation
questions and exercises
unit two varieties of contemporary english
5 varieties according to region and social group
5.1 regional and social dialects
5.2 standard and non-standard english
5.3 standard american and british english
5.4 the use of non-standard english
5.4.1 markers indicating non-standard speech in literature
5.4.2 functions of non-standard portrayals
questions and exercises
6 varieties according to medium (mode of discourse)
6.1 channel limitation and linguistic explicitness
6.2 spontaneity and linguistic characteristics
6.2.1 fluency
6.2.2 sentence structure
6.2.3 lexical choice
6.3 audience interaction and linguistic manifestations
6.4 publicity of situation and formality in language
6.5 a continuum of varieties according to medium
6.6 features of spoken style in fictional dialogues
questions and exercises
7 varieties according to attitude (tenor of discourse)
7.1 linguistic markers indicating the degrees of formality
7.1.1 phonological markers
7.1.2 graphological markers
7.1.3 syntactic markers
7.1.4 lexical markers
7.2 linguistic markers indicating the degrees of politeness
7.2.1 phonological markers
7.2.2 syntactic markers
7.2.3 lexical markers
7.3 linguistic markers indicating the degrees of impersonality
7.4 linguistic markers indicating the degrees of accessibility
questions and exercises
8 varieties according to field of discourse
8.1 field of discourse
8.2 the language of news reporting
8.2.1 graphological devices
8.2.2 syntactic markers ...
8.2.3 lexical markers
8.3 the language of press advertisements
8.3.1 components of a press advertisement
8.3.2 linguistic characteristics of press advertisements graphological devices syntactic devices lexical devices rhetorical devices
questions and exercises
samples of analysis


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