Contributors Acknowledgements Introduction and overview 1 The sigruficance ofnegotiation Part 1 Accounts of practice in primary and secondary schools Overview 2 Negotiated evaluation in a primary ESL context 3 Negotiating assessment with secondary-schoolpupils 4 Introducing negotiation processes: an experiment with creative project work 5 We do what we like': negotiated classroom work with Hungarian children 6 Is a negotiated syllabus feasible within a national curriculum? 7 Refining negotiated classroom work in a Spanish secondary school Part 2 Accounts of praaice in tertiary institutions Overview 8 Negotiation in tertiary education: clashes with the dominant educational culture 9 Syllabus negotiation in a school of nursing 10 Negotiating the syllabus:learning needs analysis through pictures 11 Reality therapy: using negotiated work in a techriical-writing class 12 Negotiation of outcome: evaluation and revision decisions in the writing curriculum 13 Learners, practitioners, teachers: diamond spotting and negotiating role boundaries Part 3 Accounts ofpractice in teacher education Overview 14 A process syllabus in a methodology course: experiences,beliefs, challenges 15 Discourse, process and reflection in teacher education 16 Negotiation, process, content and partiapants' experience in a process syllabus for ELT professionals 17 Negotiation as a participatory dialogue Conclusions 18 The practicalities ofnegotiation References Index