Chapter 1. At Miss Pinkerton''s School for Young Ladies 2. Rebecca Sharp in vanity fair 3. Rebecca and Amelia have their admirers 4. Vauxhall 5. The Crawleys of Queen''s Crawley 6. Amelia is unhappy 7. A proposal of marriage 8. Becky is already married 9. The letter on the pin-cushion 10. The Sedleys are bankrupt 11. Amelia''s honeymoon 12. The end of a honeymoon 13. Amelia loses her George 14. Amelia and little Georgy 15. More sorrow for Amelia 16. Amelia has to give up her son 17. Rebecca and her husband after Waterloo 18. Rebecca in high society 19. Christmas in the country and gayparties in London 20. Rawdon is imprisoned for debt 21. Becky''s downfall 22. Dobbin and Jos come home from India 23. Amelia''s old piano 24. Two lights go out 25. Rebecca appears again 26. Amelia quarrels with honest Dobbin 27. A happy ending Questions and Language Practice