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作 者: 劉芳主編;姚宏暉, 許子艷編著
出版社: 清華大學出版社
叢編項: 教育部大學英語教學改革重點項目
標 簽: 英語 高等學校 教學參考資料


ISBN: 9787302120742 出版時間: 2005-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 84頁 字數(shù):  






1 Page
 Read an article about flea market bargains.
 Read tips on how to avoid junk mail scams.
 Become and stay informed.
 Promote family members?growth and development.
 Meet family needs and responsibilities.
 Allocate money. Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social and organizational systems.
 Understand methods and processes used to purchase goods and services.
 Understand consumer protection measures.
 Understand how social and organizational systems work.
 Demonstrate study skills.
 Use thinking skills.
 Use problem solving skills.
2 Page
 Read about cell phones.
 Read about safe cell phone use.
 Become and stay informed. Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Meet family needs and responsibilties.
 Allocate time, money, and materials.
 Work well with people.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social, organizational, and technological systems.
 Design or improve systems.
 Select equipment and tools.
 Apply technology to specific tasks.
 Understand methods and procedures used to purchase goods and services.
 Use the telephone.
 Interpret driving regulations.
 Apply principles of budgeting.
 Understand how social, organizational, and technological systems work.
 Demonstrate study skills.
 Use thinking skills.
 Use problem solving skills.
3 Page
 Read an encyclopedia article about a president.
 Read a sidebar article about space travel.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Take action to strengthen communities.
 Strengthen the family system
 Allocate time, money, materials, space, and staff. Work on teams.
 Teach others.
 Lead others.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social, organizational, and technological systems.
 Apply technology to specific tasks..
 Understand aspects of society and culture.
 Understand historical information.
 Interpret governmental activities.
 Understand how social, organizational, and technological systems work.
 Demonstrate study skills.
 Use thinking skills.
 Use problem solving skills.
4 Page
 Read a review of an unusual museum.
 Read about the history of a popular game.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Work together.
 Promote family members?growth and development.
 Work well with people.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social and organizational systems.
 Use leisure time resources and facilities.
 Understand aspects of society and culture.
 Understand how social and organizational systems work.
 Understand historical information.
 Demonstrate study skills.
 Use thinking skills.
 Use problem solving skills.
5 Page
 Read a profile of a famous author.
 Read about a community college career center.
 Become and stay informed.
 Take action to strengthen communities.
 Promote family members?growth and development.
 Plan and direct personal and professional growth.
 Allocate time.
 Work well with people.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social and organizational systems.
 Understand aspects of society and culture.
 Understand how social and organizational systems work.
 Understand historical information.
 Demonstrate study skills.
 Use thinking skills.
 Use problem solving skills.
6 Page
 Take a quiz about personality types.
 Read an advice column about teamwork skills at work.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Promote family members抔rowth and development.
 Work with others.
 Work within the big picture.
 Plan and direct growth and development.
 Communicate regarding personal information.
 Understand concepts and materials related to job performance.
 Demonstrate effectiveness in working with other people.
 Effectively manage workplace resources.
 Understand how organizational systems work and work within them.
 Allocate time and staff.
 Work on teams.
 Work with people of culturally diverse backgrounds.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand organizational systems.
 Design systems.
7 Page
 Read a brochure on bank accounts.
 Read a brochure on bank services.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Take action to strengthen communities.
 Meet family needs and responsibilities.
 Do the work.
 Apply principles of comparison-shopping.
 Use banking services in the community.
 Use community agencies and services.
 Communicate effectively in the workplace.
 Demonstrate effectiveness in working with other people.
 Understand how social and organizational systems work.
 Allocate money.
 Teach others.
 Serve customers.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social and organizational systems.
8 Page
 Read an article about caffeine and your health.
 Read an article on getting enough rest.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Promote family memebers抔rowth and development.
 Work within the big picture.
 Plan and direct growth and development.
 Understand basic principles of health maintenance.
 Understand work-related safety standards and procedures.
 Understand concepts and materials related to job performance and training.
 Allocate time and materials.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social and organizational system.
 Monitor and correct performance.
9 Page
 Read an article on Thomas Edison抯 inventions.
 Read an article on the invention of the lightbulb.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Do the work.
 Work with others.
 Understand aspects of society and culture.
 Demonstrate effectiveness in working with other people.
 Understand how technological systems work, and operate effectively within them.
 Work on teams.
 Acquire and evaluate data.
 Interpret and communicate information.
 Monitor and correct performance.
 Select equipment and tools.
 Apply technology to task.
 Maintain and troubleshoot technology.
10 Page
 Read an article on Ellis Island.
 Read about a multicultural celebration in San Antonio.
 Become and stay informed.
 Form and express opinions and ideas.
 Work together.
 Take action to strengthen communities.
 Use leisure time resources and facilities.
 Understand aspects of society and culture.
 Understand how social systems work, and operate effectively within them.
 Work with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
 Acquire and evaluate data. Interpret and communicate information.
 Understand social systems.
 AppendixⅠ Key to Exercises
 AppendixⅡ Glossary


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