preface table of statutes table of cases part i: general principles 1 introduction 2 characteristics of the english conflict of laws 3 choice of law rules 4 proof of foreign law 5 domicile and residence 6 substance and procedure part ii: jurisdiction and foreign judgments 7 jurisdiction of the english courts 8 staying of english actions and restraint of foreign proceedings 9 foreign judgments 10 jurisdiction and judgments in the european union and efta 11 arbitration part iii: law of obligations 12 contract 13 tort part iv: property and succession 14 property inter vivos 15 succession 16 matrimonial property relations 17 trusts part v: family law 18 marriage 19 matrimonial causes 20 children part vi: exclusion of foreign laws 21 public policy part vii: theoretical considerations 22 reasons for and basis of the conflict of laws 23 public international law and the conflict of laws index