【內(nèi)容提要】 語言交際在生活中何等重要是不言而喻的。在諸多口頭交際方式中,公眾演講有著不可替代的作用。而且隨著社會的進步和發(fā)展,這種作用越發(fā)明顯。譬如在某些會議上人們宣讀論文,做專題報告;或陳述觀點,發(fā)表意見;或辯論問題,據(jù)理力爭。就廣義而言,這些都屬于公眾演講式的講話方式。除此而外,在迎送晚會上,在頒獎儀式上,在課堂里,甚至導游人員在陪同游客參觀時也都需要這種演講式的講許技巧。 正是考慮到演講式的講話如此重要而且又是可以通過學習逐漸掌握的,本書作者才決定編寫這本《英語演講》。據(jù)了解目前英語學習者尚缺乏這方面的學習和訓練,國內(nèi)圖書市場上有關(guān)書籍亦不多見。本書如能在此方面稍盡綿薄,作者將感到莫大欣慰。本書編寫過程中參考了多種英語原版書籍。作者力求簡明扼要,行文流暢,以適合本書設(shè)想的英語學習者的水平。本書首先就英語演講的特點加以概要的描寫,將其與口語交際中的其他方式,如對話,做了對比。接著對演講的結(jié)構(gòu),即各個組成部分進行較詳細的分析;并在語言運用、修辭風格、謀篇布局等方面引用了不少精彩的實例加以闡釋。如何準備演講,如何發(fā)表演講是本書另外兩個重要內(nèi)容。知道說什么未必知道怎樣說。人們由于表達方式不當而被誤解以至陷入窘境的教訓并不少見。因此“怎樣說”有時顯得更為重要。 【目錄】 CHAPTER Ⅰ 總論WHY STUDY PUBLIC SPEAKINGgain favorable recognitionbecome more confident and estabish a more positive attiuderealize potentialimprove englishEVERYONE CAN BE A PUBLIC SPEAKERbelieve the most listeners are not fault findingassume that at the worst you are as nervous as other speakerschoose the proper topicprepare thoroughly commit yourself ot the speechknow the theory and practise hardtips on overcoming stage frightPUBLIC SPEAKING AS COMMUNICATIONpublic speaking:a communicative activitybasic qualities of languageSOME QUALITIES NECESSARY FOR SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SPEAKING integrityknowledgerhetorical sensitivityunderstanding human diversityetheicsoral skillsVARIETIES OF PUBLIC SPEAKINGinformative speechpersuasive speechstimulating speechentertaining speechfour types of deliveryCOMPONENTS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING the introducitin the bodythe conclusionPROCEDURES OF SPEECH PREPARATIONdeciding on a topiccollecting materialsorganizing materialsoutliningrehearsalSPEAKER SKETCHcicero marcus tulliusCHAPTER Ⅱ 演講的準備CHAPTER Ⅲ 演講的引言與結(jié)尾CHAPTER Ⅳ 支持要占CHAPTER Ⅴ 語言選擇CHAPTER Ⅵ 表達CHAPTER Ⅶ 演講范例賞析參考書目
CHAPTER Ⅰ 總論 WHY STUDY PUBLIC SPEAKING gain favorable recognition become more confident and estabish a more positive attiude realize potential improve english EVERYONE CAN BE A PUBLIC SPEAKER believe the most listeners are not fault finding assume that at the worst you are as nervous as other speakers choose the proper topic prepare thoroughly commit yourself ot the speech know the theory and practise hard tips on overcoming stage fright PUBLIC SPEAKING AS COMMUNICATION public speaking:a communicative activity basic qualities of language SOME QUALITIES NECESSARY FOR SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC SPEAKING integrity knowledge rhetorical sensitivity understanding human diversity etheics oral skills VARIETIES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING informative speech persuasive speech stimulating speech entertaining speech four types of delivery COMPONENTS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING the introducitin the body the conclusion PROCEDURES OF SPEECH PREPARATION deciding on a topic collecting materials organizing materials outlining rehearsal SPEAKER SKETCH cicero marcus tullius CHAPTER Ⅱ 演講的準備 CHAPTER Ⅲ 演講的引言與結(jié)尾 CHAPTER Ⅳ 支持要占 CHAPTER Ⅴ 語言選擇 CHAPTER Ⅵ 表達 CHAPTER Ⅶ 演講范例賞析 參考書目