chapter one college admissions essay questions what are college admissions essay questions how to write college admissions essays sample college admissions essays chapter two graduate admissions essay questions what are graduate admissions essay questions how to write graduate admissions essays questions concerning graduate admissions essays valuable advice from admissions representatives chapter three exam essay questions what are exam essay questions how to answer exam essay questions chapter four the research paper what is the research paper how to write the research paper chapter five getting organized selecting a topic gathering background information note-taking chapter six writing the thesis statement what is a thesis statement how to write a thesis statement chapter seven the outline of the research paper what is an outline of the research paper how to compose an outline of the research paper chapter eight drafting the research paper what are the research paper drafts how to write the researcrh paper drafts chapter nine research paper citations: mla style what are citations how to make mla citations chapter ten research paper citations: apa style what is apa style how to make apa citations chapter eleven plagiarism what is plagiarism how to avoid plagiarism chapter twelve paper presentation what is paper presentation how to prepare for paper presentation chapter thirteen how to present a paper what are the major ways of paper presentation how to make paper presentation chapter fourteen q & a what is q & a how to handle q & a appendix i a sample paper in mla style appendix ii a sample paper in apa style appendix iii a sample paper for paper presentation bibliography