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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)工業(yè)技術(shù)機(jī)械、儀表工業(yè)材料的力學(xué)性能:英文版



定 價(jià):¥30.00

作 者: 于海生等著
出版社: 冶金工業(yè)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 材料力學(xué)

ISBN: 9787502437480 出版時(shí)間: 2005-07-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 26cm 頁(yè)數(shù): 324 字?jǐn)?shù):  




  Yu Haisheng is an Assciate Professor of Intiute of Materials Science and Engineering,Jiamusi University,Province Heilongjiang,Chia.Yu Haisheng received his Ph.D.in institute of Mechanical Engineering,National Technical Uni-versity of Ukraine,Ukraine in1993.He worked at a post-doctoral research staion of Northeastern University from July,1997 to January,2000.Dr.Yu Haisheng.Who is a registered senior engineer in the province of Shandong,Chia,has been teaching undergradute and graduate materilas science and mechanilal engineering courses,such as ‘Fatigue&Fuature of Materials’, Modem Me-chanical Design Methods’tand so on .He has also been teaching the bilingual course of ‘Mechanical properties of Materials’to the students of mate-rials cscience for many years .YU Haisheng has been actively conducting fatigue stregth related re-search such as fatiggue damage detection and micromechanism analysis of materals under mul-tiaxial lowc-ycle fatigue life prediction for many years .As a major participant he has completed a project named ‘multiaxial fatigue/fatigue damage/fatigue life prediction of materials under randon loadings’funded by Na-tional Natural ScienceFoundation of China(NSFC)and several other research projects .His field of research interest also includes strength,fracture,fatigue failure of composites .He has won several awards for his teaching and researches.TOP目錄 1Concepts of stress and Strain 1.1 Stress 1.2 Strain2Mechanical propertioes of Metals under Uniaxial static Tensile Lonading 2.1 Elastic Deformation and Mechanism 2.2 Anelasticity3. Plastic Deformation 3.1 Forms and Characteristics of Plastic Deformation; Yielding and Yield Point;Strain Ageing 3.2 Factors that Effect Yield Strength 3.3 Strain Hardening and Necking 3.4 Tensile Strength4 Fracture in Metals 4.1 Ductile Fracture 4.2 Brittle Fracture 4.3 Fracture Classification and Multicrystal Cleavage Fracture Process Analysis5 Mechanical properties of Meterials under Other Forms of Static Loadings 5.1 Coefficient of State of Stress 5.2 Compression Test 5.3 Bending Test 5.4 Torsion Test 5.5 Static Loading on Notched Specimen 5.6 Static Tensile and bend Tests on Notched Specimens6 Material Hardness 6.1 Introduction to Hardness 6.2 Hardness Test Methods 6.3 Hardness Measurement Equipments and Relation of Hardness to Other MaterialProperties7 Mechanical properties of Materials under Loading 7.1 Deformation and Fracture Characteristics of Materials under Impact Loadings 7.2 Impact Bending Test and Impact Toughness 7.3 Low Temperature Brittleness 7.4 Factors that Affect Ductile to Brittle Fracture Transition Temperature8 Fracture Toguhness 8.1 Griffith Fracture Theory 8.2 Fracture Toughness of Materials under Linear Elastic Loadings 8.3 Energy Concepts for Fracture 8.4 Plastic Zone Surrounding Crack Tip 8.5 Modification According to Irwin 8.6 Fracture Design Rule and Fracture Toughness Testing 8.7 Factors which Affect Fracture Toughness 8.8 Fracture Toughness under Elasto-Plastic Deformation - Outline9 Fatigue 9.1 Fluctuating Loads and Characteristics of Fatigue Failure 9.2 High Cycle Fatigue 9.3 Low Cycle Fatigue9.4 Fatigue Crack Growth 9.5 Mechanism of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation 9.6 Factors that Affect Fatigue Life and Solutions10 Creep and Temperature Prperties 10.1 Generalized Creep Behaviour 10.2 Stress and Temperature Effects 10.3 Extrapolation of Stress Rupture Data11 Mechanical Behaviour of Metals under conditions of Complex stress State 11.1 Limit Analysis, Yield and Fracture Criteria 11.2 Test Methods for Definition Mechanical Properties of Materials under Complex State of Stress11.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials under Multiaxial Static Loading 11.4 High Cycle Fatigue under Combined Stress 11.5 Multiaxial Low Cycle Fatigue12. Stress Corrosdion cracking ,Hydrogen Embrittlement and Wear of Metals-Outline 12.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking12.2 Hydrogen EmbrittlementReferences TOP 其它信息 裝幀:平裝頁(yè)數(shù):240 版次:1開本:16開


PREFACELIST OF SYMBOLSChapter 1. CONCEPTS OF STRESS AND STRAINIntroduction Paragraph 1.1. StressParagraph 1.2. StrainChapter 2. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS UNDER UNIAXIAL STATIC TENSILE LOADINGForce-Elongation Curve, Stress-Strain Curve, True Stress-Strain Curve.Paragraph 2.1. Elastic Deformation and MechanismParagraph 2.2. AnelasticityChapter 3. PLASTIC DEFORMATIONParagraph 3.1. Forms and Characteristics of Plastic Deformation; Yielding and Yield Point; Strain AgeingParagraph 3.2. Factors that Effect Yield StrengthParagraph 3.3. Strain Hardening and NeckingParagraph 3.4. Tensile StrengthChapter 4. FRACTURE IN METALSParagraph 4.1. Ductile FractureParagraph 4.2. Brittle FractureParagraph 4.3. Fracture Classification and Multicrystal Cleavage Fracture Process AnalysisChapter 5. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS UNDER OTHER FORMS OF STATIC LOADINGSParagraph 5.1. Coefficient of State of StressParagraph 5.2. Compression TestParagraph 5.3. Bending Test (Bend Test)Paragraph 5.4. Torsion TestParagraph 5.5. Static Loading on Notched SpecimenParagraph 5.6. Static Tensile and bend Tests on Notched SpecimensChapter 6 MATERIAL HARDNESSParagraph 6.1. Introduction to HardnessParagraph 6.2. Hardness Test MethodsParagraph 6.3. Hardness Measurement Equipments and Relation of Hardness to Other Material PropertiesChapter 7. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS UNDER IMPACT LOADINGParagraph 7.1. Deformation and Fracture Characteristics of Materials under Impact LoadingsParagraph 7.2. Impact Bending Test and Impact ToughnessParagraph 7.3. Low Temperature BrittlenessParagraph 7.4. Factors that Affect Ductile to Brittle Fracture Transition TemperatureChapter 8. FRACTURE TOUGHNESSParagraph 8.1. Griffith Fracture TheoryParagraph 8.2. Fracture Toughness of Materials under Linear Elastic LoadingsParagraph 8.3. Energy Concepts for FractureParagraph 8.4. Plastic Zone Surrounding Crack TipParagraph 8.5. Modification According to IrwinParagraph 8.6. Fracture Design Rule and Fracture Toughness TestingParagraph 8.7. Factors which Affect Fracture ToughnessParagraph 8.8. Fracture Toughness under Elasto-Plastic Deformation - OutlineChapter 9. FATIGUEParagraph 9.1. Fluctuating Loads and Characteristics of Fatigue FailureParagraph 9.2. High Cycle Fatigue (HCF)Paragraph 9.3. Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF)Paragraph 9.4. Fatigue Crack GrowthParagraph 9.5. Mechanism of Fatigue Crack Initiation and PropagationParagraph 9.6. Factors that Affect Fatigue Life and SolutionsChapter 10. CREEP AND TEMPERATURE PROPERTIESParagraph 10.1. Generalized Creep BehaviourParagraph 10.2. Stress and Temperature EffectsParagraph 10.3. Extrapolation of Stress Rupture DataChapter 11. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS UNDER CONDITIONS OF COMPLEX STRESS STATEParagraph 11.1. Limit Analysis, Yield and Fracture CriteriaParagraph 11.2. Test Methods for Definition Mechanical Properties of Materials under Complex State of Stress Paragraph 11.3. Mechanical Properties of Materials under Multiaxial Static LoadingParagraph 11.4. High Cycle Fatigue under Combined StressParagraph 11.5. Multiaxial Low Cycle FatigueChapter 12. STRESS CORROSION CRACKING (SCC), HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT - OUTLINEParagraph 12.1 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)Paragraph 12.2 Hydrogen Embrittlement


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