正確解決中國區(qū)際刑事管轄權(quán)沖突之制度構(gòu)想 ……………………………………………趙秉志時(shí)延安(1) 一、刖吾………………………………………………………(1) 二、解決中國區(qū)際刑事管轄權(quán)沖突的基本原則和規(guī)則……(3) 三、刑事管轄權(quán)沖突之解決與中國區(qū)際刑事司法互助……(34) 四、確定刑事管轄的具體程序……………………………(48) 五、解決中國區(qū)際刑事管轄權(quán)沖突問題之立法完善………(59) “一國兩制”框架下我國區(qū)域刑事法律及刑事 司法協(xié)助若干問題探討……………………………徐京輝(72) 一、關(guān)于區(qū)域刑事法律………………………………………(72) 二、關(guān)于區(qū)域刑事法律沖突…………………………………(77) 三、區(qū)域刑事司法協(xié)助概念界說……………………………(80) 四、區(qū)域刑事司法協(xié)助的基本原則解析……………………(82) 五、區(qū)域刑事司法協(xié)助實(shí)際操作中的幾個(gè)問題……………(90) 中國內(nèi)地與港澳特別行政區(qū)刑事管轄權(quán)的 合理劃分論綱………………………………………趙秉志(98) 一、引言…………………………………………(98) 二、中國區(qū)際刑事管轄權(quán)合理劃分的指導(dǎo)思想……………(100) 三、中國區(qū)際刑事管轄權(quán)合理劃分的原則…………………(110) 四、中國內(nèi)地與港澳地區(qū)互涉刑事案件的管轄劃分………(113) 五、結(jié)語………………………………………………………(120) 港澳特別行政區(qū)與內(nèi)地間刑事管轄權(quán)的沖突與協(xié)調(diào) ………………………………………………………王新清(122) 一、特別行政區(qū)刑事管轄權(quán)………………………………(122) 二、香港、澳門、內(nèi)地刑事管轄權(quán)的沖突與協(xié)調(diào)………(138) 三、香港、澳門、內(nèi)地的刑事司法協(xié)助…………………(158) 香港刑事法律與全國性刑事法律的沖突及其解決 ………………………………………………………趙秉志(172) 一、香港刑事法律與全國性刑事法律的沖突………(172) 二、香港刑事法律與全國性刑事法律沖突的解決………(181) 中國內(nèi)地與香港刑事管轄權(quán)沖突研究………………趙秉志(202) 一、關(guān)于張子強(qiáng)案件刑事管轄權(quán)的爭議…………………(202) 二、關(guān)于張子強(qiáng)案件刑事管轄權(quán)各種爭議觀點(diǎn)之評(píng)析…(208) 三、中國內(nèi)地與香港刑事管轄權(quán)沖突的特征……………(217) 四、解決中國內(nèi)地與香港刑事管轄權(quán)沖突的基本原則…(221) 五、解決中國內(nèi)地與香港刑事管轄權(quán)沖突的具體規(guī)則…(225) 關(guān)于中國內(nèi)地與香港建立刑事司法互助關(guān)系的研討 ………………………………………………………趙秉志(231) 一、兩地建立刑事司法互助關(guān)系的根據(jù)和原則…………(232) 二、兩地刑事司法互助關(guān)系的主體和模式………………(244) 三、兩地刑事司法互助的內(nèi)容……………………………(250) 四、結(jié)語……………………………………………………(255) 大陸與臺(tái)灣刑事管轄權(quán)的沖突及刑事司法協(xié)助 ………………………………………………………王新清(257) 一、大陸與臺(tái)灣刑事管轄權(quán)的沖突與協(xié)調(diào)………………(257) 二、臺(tái)灣與大陸的刑事司法協(xié)助…………………………(267) 關(guān)于建立海峽兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作關(guān)系的研討………趙秉志(274) 一、建立兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作關(guān)系的急迫性和可行性……(274) 二、兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作的原則……………………………(277) 三、兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作的機(jī)構(gòu)和步驟……………………(282) 四、兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作的事項(xiàng)…………………………(285) 五、兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作的犯罪范圍………………………(288) 六、建立和完善兩岸刑事司法協(xié)作關(guān)系的構(gòu)想…………(292) 海峽兩岸間刑事案件移交和已決犯移管問題研究 ………………………………………………………趙秉志(295) 一、刑事案件移交和已決犯移管的國際國內(nèi)立法概覽…(295) 二、兩岸刑事案件移交和已決犯移管的性質(zhì)……………(315) 三、兩岸刑事案件移交和已決犯移管的必要性與可行…(317) 四、兩岸刑事案件移交和已決犯移管的基本原則………(321) 五、兩岸刑事案件移交和已決犯移管的渠道與進(jìn)程……(327) 六、兩岸刑事案件移交的具體情形和程序………………(329) 七、兩岸已決犯移管的情形、內(nèi)容和程序………………(335) 中國區(qū)際刑法問題研究綜述………………趙秉志黃曉亮(340) 一、前言……………………………………………………(340) 二、中國區(qū)際刑法問題研究概況…………………………(342) 三、中國區(qū)際跨境犯罪問題………………………………(344) 四、中國區(qū)際刑事管轄權(quán)沖突及其解決…………………(349) 五、中國區(qū)際刑事司法協(xié)助問題…………………………(376) 六、中國大陸(內(nèi)地)與臺(tái)灣地區(qū)間刑事法律問題………(401) 中國區(qū)際刑事法律研究資料索引……………………………(421) 附 錄………………………………………………………(435) 《金門協(xié)議書》………………………………………………(435) 《內(nèi)地公安機(jī)關(guān)與香港警方相互通報(bào)機(jī)制的安排》………(437) 《澳門特別行政區(qū)司法互助請(qǐng)求的通報(bào)程序法》…………(443) 蔡墩銘教授主持起草:《涉及兩岸刑事案件處理?xiàng)l例》 (草案初稿)………………………………………………(446)the idea of system of solving the inter——regional concurrent criminal jurisdiction in china correctly …………………………………zhao bingzhi&shiyanan(1) 一、forward ………………………………………………(1) 二、the fundamental principles and rules to solve the inter—regional concurrent criminal jurisdiction…………(3) 三、solving the inter—regional concurrent criminal jurisdietion and inter—regional legal assistance 0n criminal matters in china.……………………………(34) 四、confirming the concrete procedure of criminal jurisdiction………………………………………………(48) 五、the perfection of legislation to solve the inter—regional coneurrent criminal jurisdiction………·-………………‘(59) discussion on inter——regional criminal law in china and legal assistance in criminal matters under the frame of“one country,two systems” …………………………………………………xu jinghui(72) 一、inter—regional criminal law……………………………(72) 二、inter—regional criminal legal conflict……………………(77) 三、the concept of inter—regional legal assistance oil criminal matters……………………………………………………(80) 四、the analysis of fundamental principles of inter—regional 1egal assistance on criminal matters……………………(82) 五、several problems in practical operation in inter—regional legal assistance on criminal matters……………………(90) the reasonable division for criminal jurisdiction between the mainland of china and special administrative regions of hong kong and macau……………………………………zhao bingzhi(98) 一、forward…………………………………………………(98) 二、the guidelines of the reasonable division for criminal iurisdiction in china ……………………………(100) 三、the principles of the reasonable division for inter—regional criminal iurisdiction in china………………………(110) 四、the division of jurisdiction for the criminal cases involved with each other in the mainland of china and h0ng k0ng and macro……………………………(113) 五、conclusion……………………………………………(120) the conflict and coordination for criminal jurisdiction between the mainland of china and special administrative regions of hong kong and macau……………………………………wang xinqing(122) 一、criminal iurisdiction of special administrative regions …(122) 二、the conflict and coordination for criminal jurisdietion among hong kong,macau and china…………………(138) 三、the legal assistance in criminal matters among hong k0ng,macau and china………………………(158) the conflict and settlements of criminal 1aw of hong kong and nationwide criminal law ………………………………………………zhao bingzhi(172) 一、the conflict between criminal law of h0ng kong and nationwide criminal law………………………………(172) 二、the settlements of the conflict between criminal law of hong kong and nationwide criminal law…………………(181) research on the conflict of criminal jurisdiction between criminal law of hong kong and the mainland of china……………………zha。bingzhi(202) 一、the disputes on the criminal jurisdiction in case 0f zhang ziqiang………………………….……………(202) 二、the analysis of the disputes on the criminal judsdiction in case of zhang ziqiang………………………………(208) 三、the characters of the conflict of criminal inrisdiction between criminllaw of hong kong and the mainland of china……………………………………………(217) 四、the fundamental principles of solving the conflict of crminal jurisdiction between criminal law of hong k。ng and the mainland of china………………………(221) 五、the concrete rules of solving the conflict 0f criminal jurisdiction between criminal law 0f hong k0ng and the mainland of china…………………………………(225) discussion on establishing the relationship of legal assistance in criminal matters in the mainland of china and hong kong……………zhao bingzhi(231) 一、the foundation and principles for the two pans to establish the relationshid of legal assistance in criminal matters…(232) 二、the subjects and patterns of the relationship of legal assistance in criminal matters between the two paas……(244) 三、the content of the relationship of legal assistance in criminal matters between the two parts…………………(250) 四、conclusion…………………………………………(255) the conflict of criminal jurisdiction and legal assistance in criminal matters between the mainland and taiwan………………wang xinqing(257) 一、the conflict and coordination of criminal jurisdiction between the mainland and taiwan……………………(257) 二、the legal assistance in criminal matters between the mainland and taiwan…………………………………(267) research on establishing the criminal judicial cooperation between both sides of taiwan strait………………………………………zhao bingzhi(274) ——、the urgency and feasibility of establishing criminal iudicial cooperation between both sides of taiwan strait …………………………………………………(274) 二、the principles of criminal judicial cooperation between both sides of taiwan strait……………………(277) 三、the organizations and steps of criminal judicial cooperation between both sides of taiwan strait…………(282) 四、the items of criminal judicial cooperation between both sides of taiwan strait………………………………(285) 五、the scope of crimes of criminal judicial e00peration between both sides of taiwan strait……………………(288) 六、tile ideas of establishing and perfecting criminal judicial cooperation between both sides of taiwan strait …………………………………………………(292) research on transfer of offenders and sentenced persons between both sides of taiwan strait ………………………………………………zhao bingzhi(295) 一、thegeneral view of international and domestic legislation on transfer of offenders and sentenced persons…………(295) 二、the nature on transfer of sentenced persons between both sides of taiwan strait………………………………(315) 三、the necessity and feasibility of the transfer of oftenders and sentenced persons between both sides of taiwan strait……………………………………………………(317) 四、rrhe fundamental principles of the transfer of ofienders and sentenced persons between both sides of taiwan strait……………………………………………………(321) 五、the approach to and process of transfer offenders and sentenced persons between both sides of taiwan strait ……………………………………………………………(327) 六、the concrete situations and procedures of transfer between both sides of taiwan strait………………………………(329) 七、the situations,content and procedure of transfer sentenced persons both sides of taiwan strait………………………(335) the research survey on inter—regional criminal law of china…………zha。bingzhi huang xiaoliang(340) ——、forward………………·……·………………………….(340) 二、the research survey on inter—regional cfiminal 1aw of china…………………………………………………(342) 三、the problems of trans—inter—regional crimes………(344) 四、the conflict for inter—regional criminal jurisdiction in china and its settlements……………………………(349) 五、inter—regional legal assistance on criminal matters in china…………………………………………………(376) 六、the problems of criminal law between the mainland (inland)of china and taiwan…………………………(401) the index of the materials of research on inter—regional criminal law in china……………(421) appendix……………………………………………………(435) 一、agreement of jinmen…………………………………(435) 二、arrangement of the mechanism of notifying each other between inland public security organ and hong kong police……………………………………………………(437) 三、notification procedure law on requirement 0f judicial assistance each other of the macao special administrative region……………………………………………………(443) 四、prof.cai dunming presided over drafting:the regulations of dealing with criminal cases involving both sides 0f taiwan strait(the first draft)……………………………(446)