CHAPTER 1 Introduction CHAPTER2 Theory Groups in Science 2.1 Groups and 'revolutions 2.2 Institutionalization 2.3 Invisible Colleges and specification of kuhn's model CHAPTER 3 1950s Studies of Lexicons and Psychiatry 3.1 The Whorfian Vogue 3.2 Studies of Native American Linguistic Acculturation 3.3 Morris Swadesh and Lexicostatistics 3.4 Berkeley linguistics during the 1950s 3.5 Tragerian Explorations of 'Metalinguistics 3.6 The Natural History of an Interview Project 3.7 Gregory Bateson the Palo Alto School 3.8 Ray Birdwhistell's Study of Nonyerbal Communication 3.9 Pike's Unified Theory;and Burke's Dramaturgical Analysis CHAPTER 4 Sociologies of Language 4.1 The Chicago School Conception of Language Between the World 4.2 Cosmopolian Communications 4.3 Stanley Lieberson 4.4 Joyce O.Hertzler 4.5 Johh Reinecke 4.6 Ralph Rieris 4.7 Catholic University Urban Sociolinguistics CHAPTER 5 language Contact and Early Sociolinguistics 5.1 Einar Haugen 5.2 Uriel Weinreich 5.3 Joshua A.Fishman 5.4 Wallace E.Lambert 5.5 Roger Brown 5.6 Exemplars of Sociolinguistics avant la lettre 5.7 Summary CHAPTER 6 The Ethnography of Speaking CHAPTER 7 Related perspectives CHAPTER 8 Ethnoscience CHAPTER 9 1980s Uniersity of California Ethnolinguistics CHAPTER 10 Midwestern Semiotics and Geogetown Pramatics CHAPTER 11 Conclusions An Appendix on Methods Bibliography Index