1 Methodology of the Economic Approach, 1 1.1 Behavioral Premises 1.2 Normative Premises 1.3 Models and Modelling 2 Two Competing Economic Models of Law, 41 2.1 The Model of Market Failure 2.2 The Model of Private Cooperation 2.3 Comparing the Models: Transaction Costs 3 A Survey of Basic Applications, 90 3.1 I~perty 3.2 Tort 3.3 Contract 3.4 Criminal Law 3.5 Procedure 4 Refining the Model h Strategic Behavior, 162 4.1 Theory 4.2 Applications 5 Refining the Model II: Risk and Insurance, 208 5.1 Theory 5.2 Applications 6 Refining the Model III: Information, 256 6.1 Theory 6.2 Applications 7 Refining the Model IV. Bounded Rationality, 296 7.1 Theory 7.2 Applications 8 Critiques of the Economic Approach, 344 8.1 The Liberal Critique 8.2 The Paternalist Critique 8.3 The Radical Critique 8.4 The Sociological Critique 8.5 The Commnnltarian Critique 8.6 The Legal Realist Critique 9 An Application on the Frontier: Family Law, 410