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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書(shū)科學(xué)技術(shù)醫(yī)學(xué)腫瘤學(xué)腫瘤分子學(xué)分析:英文版



定 價(jià):¥206.00

作 者: 美Jacqueline Boultwood,美Carrie Fidler編
出版社: 世界圖書(shū)出版西安公司
叢編項(xiàng): 英文
標(biāo) 簽: 預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué)


ISBN: 9787506259804 出版時(shí)間: 2004-08-01 包裝:
開(kāi)本: 20cm 頁(yè)數(shù): 平裝 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  Over the past 20 years, technological advances in molecular biology haveproven invaluable to the understanding of the pathogenesis of human cancer.The application of molecular technology to the study of cancer has not onlyled to advances in tumor diagnosis, but has also provided markers for theassessment of prognosis and disease progression. The aim of Molecular Analysisof Cancer is to provide a comprehensive collection of the most up-to-datetechniques for the detection of molecular changes in human cancer. Leadingresearchers in the field have contributed chapters detailing practical proceduresfor a wide range of state-of-the-art techniques.Molecular Analysis of Cancer includes chapters describing techniquesfor the identification of chromosomal abnormalities and comprising: fluorescentin situ hybridization (FISH), spectral karyotyping (SKY), comparativegenomic hybridization (CGH), and microsatellite analysis. FISH has a prominentrole in the molecular analysis of cancer and can be used for the detectionof numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities. The recently describedSKY, in which all human metaphase chromosomes are visualized in specificcolors, allows for the definition of all chromosomal rearrangements and markerchromosomes in a tumor cell. Protocols for the detection of chromosomal rearrangementsby PCR and RT-PCR are described, as well as the technique ofDNA fingerprinting, a powerful tool for studying somatic genetic alterationsin tumorigenesis. A number of approaches to identify mutations are detailed,and include SSCP, DGGE, the nonisotopic RNase cleavage assay, the proteintruncation assay, and DNA sequencing. A change in DNA methylation statusis commonly observed in cancer, and specific methodology for methylationanalysis is also provided by this volume.The analysis of gene expression represents a key area of research in thestudy of human cancer and a number of chapters in Molecular Analysis ofCancer address this subject. Global RNA expression analysis using microarraytechnology allows the identification of genes that are differentially expressedin tumor versus normal tissues. This is a powerful approach for identifyinggenes that are central to disease development or progression and can also identifynew prognostic markers.




ContentsPreface ............................................................................................................... vContributors ....................................................................................................... ix1 Molecular Analysis of Cancer: An OverviewKen Mills ................................................................................................. 12 Detection of Chromosome Abnormalities in Leukemia UsingFluorescence In Situ HybridizationLyndal Kearney, Sabrina Tosi, and Rina J. Jaju................................ 73 Spectral Karyotyping in Cancer CytogeneticsEva Hilgenfeld, Cristina Montagna, Hesed Padilla-Nash,Linda Stapleton, Kerstin Heselmeyer-Haddad,and Thomas Ried ............................................................................ 294 Comparative Genomic Hybridization AnalysisBinaifer R. Balsara, Jianming Pei, and Joseph R. Testa ................ 455 Detection of Chromosomal Deletions by Microsatellite AnalysisRachel E. Ibbotson and Martin M. Corcoran .................................... 596 Detection and Quantification of Leukemia-Specific RearrangementsAndreas Hochhaus .............................................................................. 677 Detection of t(2;5)(p23;q35) Translocation by Long-Range PCRof Genomic DNAYunfang Jiang, L. Jeffrey Medeiros, and Andreas H. Sarris.......... 978 Use of DNA Fingerprinting to Detect Genetic Rearrangementsin Human CancerVorapan Sirivatanauksorn, Yongyut Sirivatanauksorn,Arthur B. McKie, and Nicholas R. Lemoine ............................... 1079 Mutation Analysis of Large Genomic Regions in Tumor DNA UsingSingle-Strand Conformation Polymorphism: Lessons fromthe ATM GeneIgor Vorechovsky ............................................................................... 11510 Mutational Analysis of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genesin Human Cancer Using Denaturing Gradient Gel ElectrophoresisPer Guldberg, Kirsten Grønbæk, Jesper Worm, Per thor Straten,and Jesper Zeuthen .......................................................................... 125viiviii Contents11 Detection of Mutations in Human Cancer Using NonisotopicRNase Cleavage AssayMarianna Goldrick and James Prescott ......................................... 14112 Mutational Analysis of the Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Genein Childhood Myelodysplastic Syndromes Using a ProteinTruncation AssayLucy Side ............................................................................................ 15713 Mutation Analysis of Cancer Using Automated SequencingAmanda Strickson and Carrie Fidler ............................................... 17114 Detection of Differentially Expressed Genes in Cancer UsingDifferential DisplayYineng Fu ............................................................................................ 17915 Genomewide Gene Expression Analysis Using cDNA MicroarraysChuang Fong Kong and David Bowtell........................................... 19516 Gene Expression Profiling in Cancer Using cDNA MicroarraysJaved Khan, Lao H. Saal, Michael L. Bittner, Yuan Jiang,Gerald C. Gooden, Arthur A. Glatfelter, and Paul S. Meltzer ..... 20517 Wilms Tumor Gene WT1 as a Tumor Marker for Leukemic Blast Cellsand Its Role in LeukemogenesisHaruo Sugiyama................................................................................. 22318 Detection of Aberrant Methylation of the p15INK4B Gene PromoterToshiki Uchida ................................................................................... 23919 Clonality Studies in Cancer Based on X Chromosome InactivationPhenomenonJohn T. Phelan II and Josef T. Prchal ............................................. 25120 Telomere Length Changes in Human CancerDominique Broccoli and Andrew K. Godwin ................................. 27121 Measurement of Telomerase Activity in Human Hematopoietic Cellsand Neoplastic DisordersKazuma Ohyashiki and Junko H. Ohyashiki .................................. 279Index ............................................................................................................ 301


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