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定 價(jià):¥280.00

作 者: 中國(guó)國(guó)家博物館編輯
出版社: 中國(guó)社會(huì)科學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 歷史文物

ISBN: 9787500445630 出版時(shí)間: 2004-07-01 包裝: 簡(jiǎn)裝本
開(kāi)本: 29cm 頁(yè)數(shù): 311 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  Prefacekonstantinoskaramanlis Prefacesunjiazheng Prefacepanzhenzhou ForewordDr.lazaroskolonas Forewordprof.zhufenghan Ancientgreekart:Visualexpressionoftheconquestofintegratedhumanexperienceprof.vassilioslambrinoudakis Humanisminancientgreekartprof.wanghuansheng GreekartandgreekcivilizationProf.zhulonghua Greeceanditscoloniesintheironage Introductionancientgreece:mortalsandImmortalsDr.eleniandriAndrikou Unit1Pre-hellenicandearlyhellenicRepresentations41-81 1.Neolithicfigurineofaseatedmalefigure 2.Neolithicfemalefigurine 3.Neolithicfemalefigurine 4.Neolithicfemalefigurine 5.Neolithichousemodelwithfigurines 6.Cycladicfemalefigurinewithfoldedarms 7.Cycladicfemalefigurinewithfoldedarms 8.Cycladicfemalefigurine 9.Minoanfemalefigurine 10.Minoanfemalefigurine 11.Minoanfemalefigurine 12.Minoanfemalefigurine 13.Mycenaeankourotrophosfigurine 14—18.Mycenaeanfemalefigurines 19.Minoanfigurineofthe“gooddesswithupraisedhands” 20.Mycenaeanlarnax(Sarcophagus)ofachild Unit2Immortals:Thedivinemythology 21.Figurineofzeus protomeofagoddess figurineofenthronedAthena Plaquewitharepresentationofathenaergane Fragmentofavotivereliefwithasceneofathena Headofhelmetedathena Fragmentofavotivereliefrepresentingdemeterandkore Fragmentofareliefdepictingafemalefigure,probablydemeter Protomeofafemaledeity Aplaqueofthegoddessdemeter Fragmentofareliefpitham-phorawithasceneofagoddess Fragmentofanengravedstoneblockdepictingapolloandartemis Statueofartemis Headofapollo Statuetteofapollokitharodhos Figurineofaphrodite Foldedmirrorwithawoman'shead Statuetteofaphroditesittingonarock Statuetteofaphrodite Marbletablesupportwithaplasticfigureofdionysos Archaisttictstatuetteofdionysos Redfigurecalyxcraterwithasceneofdionysosandariadne Foldedmirrorwithasceneofasatyrandamaenad Fragmentofasarcophaguswithadionysiacsceneinrelief Fragmentofvotivereliefdepictingasklepiosandhygieia Headofasklepios Statuetteofhygieia Seatedstatuetteofthegoddesscybele Statueofpan Unit3Frommortalstoimmortals Unit4Personificationsofpoliticalinstitutions Unit5Mortals Unit6Instancesoflifeonearth Greekjewelryinthelateclssicalandtheearlyhellenisticperiods Bibliography-Abbreviations Postscript




Preface konstantinos karamanlis
Preface sun jiazheng
Preface pan zhenzhou
Foreword Dr.lazaros kolonas
Foreword prof.zhu fenghan
Ancient greek art:Visual expression of the conquest of integrated human experience prof.vassilios lambrinoudakis
Humanism in ancient greek art prof.wang huansheng
Greek art and greek civilization Prof.zhu longhua
Greece and its colonies in the iron age
Introduction ancient greece:mortals and Immortals Dr.eleni andri Andrikou
Unit 1 Pre-hellenic and early hellenic Representations 41-81
1.Neolithic figurine of a seated male figure
2.Neolithic female figurine
3.Neolithic female figurine
4.Neolithic female figurine
5.Neolithic house model with figurines
6.Cycladic female figurine with folded arms
7.Cycladic female figurine with folded arms
8.Cycladic female figurine
9.Minoan female figurine
10.Minoan female figurine
11.Minoan female figurine
12.Minoan female figurine
13.Mycenaean kourotrophos figurine
14—18. Mycenaean female figurines
19.Minoan figurine of the “gooddess with upraised hands”
20.My cenaean larnax(Sarcophagus)of a child
Unit2 Immortals:The divine my thology
21.Figurine of zeus
protome of a goddess
figurine of enthroned Athena
Plaque with a representation of athena ergane
Fragment of a votive relief with a scene of athena
Head of helmeted athena
Fragment of a votive relief representing demeter and kore
Fragment of a relief depicting a female figure,probably demeter
Protome of a female deity
A plaque of the goddess demeter
Fragment of a relief pitham-phora with a scene of a goddess
Fragment of an engraved stone block depicting apollo and artemis
Statue of artemis
Head of apollo
Statuette of apollo kitharodhos
Figurine of aphrodite
Folded mirror with a woman's head
Statuette of aphrodite sitting on a rock
Statuette of aphrodite
Marble table support with a plastic figure of dionysos
Archaisttic tstatuette of dionysos
Red figure calyx crater with a scene of dionysos and ariadne
Folded mirror with a scene of a satyr and a maenad
Fragment of a sarcophagus with a dionysiac scene in relief
Fragment of votive relief depicting asklepios and hygieia
Head of asklepios
Statuette of hygieia
Seated statuette of the goddess cybele
Statue of pan
Unit 3 From mortals to immortals
Unit 4 Personifications of political institutions
Unit 5 Mortals
Unit 6 Instances of life on earth
Greek jewelry in the late clssical and the early hellenistic periods
Bibliography -Abbreviations


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