The Structure of the English Sentence,Introduction,Morphemes, Roots,Affixes,Words,Word classes,Word classes in relation to meaning,Word-formation,Phrases,The noun phrase,The verb phrase andThe adjective phrase.
Chapter 1 The Structure of the English Sentence 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Morphemes 1.1.1 Roots 1.1.2 Affixes 1.2 Words 1.2.1 Word classes 1.2.2 Word classes in relation to meaning 1.2.3 Word-formation 1.3 Phrases 1.3.1 The noun phrase 1.3.2 The verb phrase 1.3.3 The adjective phrase 1.3.4 The adverb phrase 1.3.5 The prepositional phrase 1.4 Clauses 1.4.1 Subject and predicate 1.4.2 Clause patterns 1.4.3 Functions 1.5 Sentences 1.5.1 Simple, compound and complex sentences 1.5.2 Statements, questions, commands and exclamations 1.6 Text 1.7 Exercises Chapter 2 Sentence Types 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Statements 2.1.1 Assertion vs. non-assertion 2.1.2 Negation 2.1.3 Other functions of statements 2.2 Questions 2.2.1 YES-NO questions 2.2.2 WH-questions 2.2.3 Alternative questions 2.2.4 Tag questions 2.3 Commands 2.4 Exclamations 2.4.1 WHAT-exclamations 2.4.2 HOW-exclamations 2.5 Exercises Chapter 3 Noun and Noun Phrase (1):Noun and Number 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Noun classes 3.2 Number 3.2.1 Singular invariables 3.2.2 Plural invariables 3.2.3 Irregular plurals 3.3 Unit nouns 3.4 Exercises Chapter 4 Noun and Noun Phrase (2)Determiner and Genitive 4.0 Introduction 4.1 Determiners 4.1.1 Functions of determiners 4.1.2 Co-occurrence of determiners 4.1.3 Usage of some determiners 4.1.4 Articles 4.2 Genitives 4.2.1 Forms of genitive 4.2.2 The genitive vs. theof-phrase 4.2.3 Group genitive 4.2.4 Local genitive 4.2.5 Double genitive 4.3 Exercises Chapter 5 Verb and Verb Phrase (1) Tense,Aspect and Future 5.0 Introduction 5.0.1 Classification of verbs 5.0.2 System of two tenses and two aspects 5.1 Tense 5.1.1 Simple present 5.1.2 Simple past 5.2 Aspect 5.2.1 Present progressive 5.2.2 Past progressive 5.2.3 Present perfect and present perfect progressive 5.2.4 Past perfect and past perfect progressive 5.3 Future 5.3.1 Will shall infinitive 5.3.2 Be going to infinitive 5.3.3 Present progressive 5.3.4 Simple present 5.3.5 Other constructions expressing future time 5.4 Exercises Chapter 6 Verb and Verb Phrase (2)Passive Voice and Subjunctive Mood 6.0 Introduction 6.1 Passive voice 6.1.1 Be-passive, get-passive and pseudo-passive 6.1.2 Voice constraints 6.1.3 By-phrase 6.1.4 Passive voice of mult-word verbs 6.1.5 Passive voice of non-finite verbs 6.2 Subjunctive mood 6.2.1 Be-subjunctive 6.2.2 Were-subjunctive 6.3 Exercises Chapter 7 Verb and Verb Phrase (3) Modal Auxiliaries 7.0 Introduction 7.1 Can and may 7.1.1 Can and could 7.1.2 May and might 7.1.3 Can vs. may …… Chapter 8 Verb an Verb Phrase(4):Non-finite Vderbs Chapter 9 Adjective Phrase and Comparison Chapter 10 Preposlition and Prepositional Phrase Chapter 11 The coordination and Subordination Chapter 12 Relative Clause Chapter 13 Adverbials Chapter 14 Concord Chapter 15 Information Structure and Emphasis Chapter 16 Cohesion