1 introduction to computer science and technology 1.1 introduction to the computer science and technology discipline 1.2 computer science and technology as a discipline in china 1.3 related courses 1.4 prospects of computer science and technology 2 fundamentals of computer hardware 2.1 organization of computer system 2.1.1 system buses 2.1.2 cpu organizations 2.1.3 memory subsystem organizations 2.1.4 i/o subsystem organizations 2.2 history of computer 2.3 computer interface 2.3.1 the internal interfacing 2.3.2 the external interfacing 2.3.3 dma 3 operating system 3.1 introduction 3.1.1 what is an operating system 3.1.2 the evolution of operating systems 3.2 the disk operating system 3.2.1 parts of dos 3.2.2 starting a computer 3.2.3 dos command format 3.2.4 simple dos commands 3.2.5 disk formatting 3.2.6 dealing with files 3.3 windows 2000 3.3.1 history 3.3.2 design principles 3.3.3 system components 3.4 unix operating system 3.4.1 history of the unix operating system 3.4.2 the uniqueness of unix 3.4.3 how unix is organized 3.4.4 about unix commands 4 programming 4.1 introduction to programming 4.1.1 what is programming 4.1.2 how do we writer a program 4.1.3 programming paradigms 4.2 programming languages 4.2.1 early generation 4.2.2 selecting a programming language 4.3 object oriented programming 4.3.1 objects 4.3.2 classes 4.3.3 inheritance 4.3.4 some real life examples 5 design and analysis of algorithms 5.1 the role of algorithms in computing 5.1.1 algorithms 5.1.2 algorithms as a technology 5.2 analyzing algorithms 5.2.1 analysis of insertion sort 5.2.2 worst case and average case analysis 5.2.3 order of growth 5.2.4 growth of functions 5.3 designing algorithms 5.3.1 the divide and conquer approach 5.3.2 analyzing divide and conquer algorithms 6 parallel processing 6.1 introduction 6.1.1 computational demands of contemporary science 6.1.2 advent of practical parallel processing 6.1.3 some basic parallel algorithms 6.2 parallel algorithm design 6.2.1 partitioning 6.2.2 communication 6.2.3 agglomeration 6.2.4 mapping 6.3 applications of parallel processing─mandelbrot set 7 data mining and applications 7.1 basic concepts 7.1.1 date mining 7.1.2 database,data warehouse and data mart 7.2 data mining process 7.2.1 how data mining works 7.2.2 date mining process 7.2.3 date mining terminology 7.3 data mining model 7.3.1 decision trees 7.3.2 genetic algorithms 7.3.3 neural nets 7.3.4 agent network technology 7.3.5 hybrid models 7.3.6 statistics 7.4 data mining applications 7.4.1 data mining application field 7.4.2 data mining case studies 7.4.3 data mining application through data warehouses 8 image processing and machine vision 8.1 introduction 8.1.1 image technology 8.1.2 digital image definitions 8.2 image processing algorithm 8.2.1 tools 8.2.2 mathematics based operations 8.2.3 convolution based operations 8.2.4 smoothing operations 8.3 compression or decompression techniques 8.3.1 two basic types of compression 8.3.2 image compression/decompression development 8.4 object recognition 8.4.1 description 8.4.2 key features for object recognition 8.5 3d vision and applications 8.5.1 basic concept 8.5.2 applications 9 computer networks and communications 9.1 data communications 9.1.1 fundamentals of data and signals 9.1.2 the media of transmission 9.1.3 multiplexing 9.1.4 making connections 9.2 computer networks 9.2.1 understand networking concepts 9.2.2 local area networks 9.2.3 wide area networks 9.2.4 the internet 9.3 broadband integrated services digital network (bisdn) 9.3.1 introduction 9.3.2 a brief history 9.3.3 broadband isdn services 9.4 asynchronous transfer mode (atm) 9.4.1 basic concepts in atm 9.4.2 atm standards 9.4.3 atm switching 9.4.4 atm networks 9.4.5 atm applications 10 information and network security 10.1 security problem in computer system 10.1.1 introduction 10.1.2 different types of network security 10.2 some approaches to defense 10.2.1 basic security measures 10.2.2 standard system attacks 10.2.3 basic encryption and decryption techniques 10.2.4 public key infrastructure 10.2.5 firewalls 10.2.6 security policy design issues 11 electronic commerce 11.1 introduction 11.1.1 what is e commerce 11.1.2 the role of strategy in e commerce 11.2 value chains in e commerce 11.2.1 value chains in e commerce 11.2.2 integrating e commerce 11.3 applications of electronic commerce 11.3.1 applications of electronic commerce 11.3.2 unique benefits of e commerce 11.4 advantages and limitations of e commerce 11.4.1 advantages 11.4.2 limitations 12 internet congestion control 12.1 introduction 12.1.1 the problem of congestion 12.1.2 the threat of congestion collapse 12.1.3 tcp friendliness 12.2 classification of congestion control schemes 12.2.1 window based vs.rate based 12.2.2 unicast vs.multicast 12.2.3 single rate vs.multirate 12.2.4 end to end vs.router supported 12.3 congestion control mechanisms 12.3.1 end to end flow control 12.3.2 feedback mechanisms 12.3.3 implicit feedback 12.3.4 explicit feedback 12.3.5 scheduling mechanisms 12.3.6 buffer and queue management mechanisms 12.3.7 buffer management 12.3.8 queue management 12.3.9 queue management for congestion recovery 12.3.1 0active queue management for congestion avoidance 12.4 recent developments in congestion control 12.4.1 avoiding unnecessary retransmit timeouts 12.4.2 undoing unnecessary congestion control responses to reordered or delayed packets 13 international academic exchanges 13.1 call for papers 13.2 the academic paper 13.2.1 introduction 13.2.2 problem formulation 13.2.3 main results 13.2.4 conclusion 13.3 participation in the conference 13.3.1 to chair a conference 13.3.2 to present a paper 13.3.3 to ask and answer questions Appendix glossaries in computer science References