Acknowledgements A few common symbols Introdctory remarks 1 Preliminary concepts 1.1 Two-dimensional electron gas(2-DEG) 1.2 Effective mass,density of states ect. 1.3 Characteristic lengths 1.4 Low-Field magnetoresistance 1.5 High-field magnetoresistance 1.6 Transverse Modes(or magneto-electric subbands) 1.7 Drift velocity of Fermi velocity? Summary Exercises 2 Conductance from Transmission 2.1 Resistance of a ballistic conductor 2.2 Landauer formula 2.3 Where is the resistance? 2.4 What deos a voltage probe measure? 2.5 Non-zero temperature and bias 2.6 Exclusion principle? 2.7 When can we use the Landauer-Buttiker formalism? Summary Exercises 3 Transmission function,S-matric and Green's functions 4 Quantum Hall effect 5 Localization and Fluctuations 6 Double-barrier tunneling 7 Optical analgoies 8 Non-equilibrium Green's function fromalism Concluding remarks Solutions of exercises Index