PART I THE NATURE OF INQUIRY AND THEORY CHAPTER 1 COMMUNICATION THEORY AND SCHOLARSHIP What is Communication Theory? Why Study Commnication Theory? The Academic Study of Communication Defining Communication The Process of Inquiry in Communication A Basic Model of Inquiry Types of Scholarship Communication Theory as a Field The Rhetorical Tradition The Semiotic Tadition The Phenomenological Tradition The Sociopsychological Tradition The Sociocultureal Tradition The Critical Tradition Levels of Communication Developing Core Communication Theories The Intellectual Structure of the Communication Field Summary CHAPTER 2 THEORY IN THE PROCESS OF INQUIRY The Nature of Theory Basic Elements of Theory The Traditional Ideal of Theory An Alternative Paradigm Theory Development and Change Metatheory Issues of Epistemology Issues of Ontology issues of Axiology How to Evaluate a Communication Theory Theoretical Scope Appropriateness Heuriateness Heuristic Value Validity Parsimony Openness Summary PART II TOPICS IN COMMUNICATION THEORY CAHPTER 3 SYSTEM THEORY
Fundamental System Principles What is a System? System qualities Information Theory Basic Concepts Language an Information Information Transmission Cybernetics Feedback Processes Complex Networks Second-Order Cybernetics Dynamic Social Impact Theory Commentary and Critique CHAPTER 4 THEORIES OF SIGNS AND LANGUAGE Three Branches Classical Semantic Theory Peirce's Basic Notion of Sign Charles Morris Susanne Langer Language and the Study of Syntanctics Classical Founations Stuctural Linguistics Generative Grammar The Semantics and Syntactics of Nonverbal Behavior Birdwhistell on Kinesics Ekman and Friesen on Kinesics Hall on Proxmics Commentaryu and Critique CHAPTER 5 THEORIES OF DISCOURES Speech-Act Theory Conversation Analysis Conversational Analysis Conversational Coherence Conversational Argument Commentary and Critique CHPATER 6 THEORIES OF MESSAGE PRODUCTION Traits and Behaviors Three Examples of Traits Traits,Temperament,and Biology Accommodation and Adaptation Cognitive Theories Theories of Planning and Action Theories of Message Selection Theories of Message Design Commentary and Critique CHAPTER 7 THEORIES OF MESSAGE RECEPTION AND PROCESSING Message Interpretation Osgood on Meaning Attribution Theory Information Organization Information-Integration Theory Consistency Theories Judgment Processes Social Judgment Theory Elaboration Likelihood Theory Expectancy Violations Theory Interpersonal Deception Theory Commentary and Critique CHAPTER 8 THEORIES OF SYMBOLIC INTERACTION,STRUCTUREATION,AND CONVERGENCE Symbolic interactionism The Chicage School The Iowa School Extending Interactionism:Eriving Goffman Stucturation Theory Sysmbolic Processes in Convergence Kenneth Burke and Idetification Symbolic Convergence theory Commentary and Gritique CHAPTER 9 THEORIES OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL REALITY The Social Construction of Reality Some Examples of Social Construction Coordinated management of Meaning Language and Culture Linguistiic Relativity Elaborate and Restricted Codes Commentary and Critique CHPATER 10 THEORIES OF EXPERIENCE AND INTERPRETATION Phenomenology Text Hermeneutics Paul Ricoeur Stanley Fish Hans-Geory Gadamer Cultural Interpretation Performace Ethnography Organizationalculture Interpretive Media Studies Commentary and Critique CHAPTER 11 CRITICAL THEORIES Sorting Out Critical Theories Structural Approaches Marxist Foundations The Frandfurt School and Universal Pragmatics The Poststrualist Tradition Cultural Studies Michel Foucault Feminist Studies Language and power Invitational Rhetoric Commentary and Gritique PART III CONTEXTUAL THEMES CHPATER 12 COMMUNICATION IN RELATIONSHIPS The nature of Relationships Basic Axioms of Relational communication The Dialectics of Realtionships Managing Relationships Managing Uncertainty and Anxiety Managing Boundaries Managing Conflict Commentary and Critique CHAPTER 13 COMMUNICATION IN GROUP DECISION MAKING The Input-Process-Output Model A General Organizing Model The Functional Tradition The Interational Tradition The Stucturational Perspective Commentary and Critique CHPATER 14 COMMUNICATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL NETWORKS Organizational Networks The Positional Tradition Classical Foundations:Weber Likert's Four Systems The Relational Tradition The Process of Organizing Conversation and Text in the Process of Organizing Stucturation in Organizations Structuraion in Organizational Control and Identity The Cultural Tradition Commentary and Critique CHPATER 15 COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA An Organizing Model Media Content and Structure Medium Theory Jean Baudrillard and the Semiotics of Media Media as Social Institution Media and Audience Mass Society Versus Community Active Audience Versus Passive Audience Theories of Cultural Outcomes The Functions of Mass Communication The Diffusion of Information and Influence Public Opinion and the Spiral of Silence Cultivation Analysis The Agenda-Setting Function Theories of Individual Outcomes The Effects Tradition Limited or Powerful Effects ? Uses,Gratifications,and Dependency Commentary and Critique PART IV CAPSTONE CHAPTER 16 MAKING COMMUNICATION THEORY SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY CREDITS AUTHOR INDEX SUBJECT INDEX