1 Hello, Ann! (Greetings and Introductions) 2 Good-bye! (Leave-taking) 3 It's Awfully Kind of You (Thanks) 4 Congratulations! (Compliments and Congratulations) 5 Is There Anything I Can Do? (Offers, Invitations, Acceptance and Refusal) 6 Could You Tell Me the Way to Sujian Mansion? (Spatial Descriptions) 7 What Time Is It? (Time) 8 I'm Terribly Sorry (Apologies) 9 I Advise You to Go on a Diet (Advice and Suggestions) 10 Why Do You Look So Sad? (Regret and Sympathy) 11 I Wish I Could Be a Sailor (Willingness and Wish) 12 What Will You Do after Graduation? (Plans and Determination) 13 I'm Qualified for The Job (Obligation and Ability) 14 May I Have a Little More, Please? (Permission) 15 It's Illegal to Drive under the Influence of Liquor (Prohibition) 16 Yes, You Are Certainly Right about That (Agreement and Disagreement) 17 That Gets Us Nowhere (Negation) 18 Yellow Is My Favorite Color (Like, Dislike and Preference) 19 I Can't Tell You How Noisy It Was (Blaming and Complaining ) 20 It's Hard to Say (Judgment) 21 That's Definitely Not Mr. Smith (Certainty and Uncertainty) 22 That's Impossible! (Possibility and Impossibility) 23 Are You Kidding? (Conjecture and Belief) 24 There Appears to Be Some Misunderstanding (Appearing and Seeming) 25 It's Not Quite as Showy as Gold (Comparison) 26 I've Had a Chapter of Accidents (Cause and Effect) 27 The Main Thing Is to Remember Who Your Audience Is (Aim and Purpose) 28 Although I Like What I'm Doing (Concession) 29 What If John Does Decide to Come? (Condition and Supposition) 30 We Can Help You There (Promise and Assurance) 31 Have You Packed Your Cossie? (Reminder) 32 Good Heavens! (Surprise and Anxiety) 33 Who Can Give Some Examples? (Exemplification) 34 Let's Go for a 25 Kilogram (Calculation and Estimation) 35 Medicine Is Too Broad a Category (Classification and Definition) 36 We Now Come to the Conclusion (Generalization and Conclusion)