1 The Neoliberal challenge to Realist Theories of World Politics: An Introduction Charles W.Kegley Jr PART 1 The Foundations of Intetnational relations theory and the Resruuection of the Realist-Liberal debate 2.Theories of International Relations and foreign Policy: Realist and Its Challengers Ole R.Holsti 3.Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory Kenneth N.Waltz 4.Liberalism and World Politics Revisited Michael W.Doyle 5.Liberal International Theory:Common Threads ,Divergent Strands Mark W.Zacher and Richard A.Matthew 6.Anarchy and the limits of cooperatin:A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal Institutionalism Joseph M.Greco PART 2 Reevaluating Institutios in the Post-Cold War World 7.Peace in the Liberal world:Does Democracy Matter? Nicholas G.Onuf and Thomas J.Johnson 8.The United Nations in a New World Order:Reviving the thory and Practice of International Organization J.Martin rochester 9.Evolving Patterns of European Integration and Governance: Implications for theories of World Polictics Barry B.Hughes PART 3 The Porblematic Future Peace:Arms and Commerce as contributing Factors? 10.Wwords into Plowshares:Can Fewer Arms Yield More Security? Robert C.Johansen 11.International Trade as a Force for Peace Neil R.richardson APRT 4 Normative constraints on International Conduct?Law and Morality in Internation -al Affairs 12.International Law and International Order Harvey Starr 13.Rethinking the Moral Dimensions of Foreign Policy Joel H.Rosenthal PART 5 International Relations Theory and the Glogal Future 14.Promise or Peril?Neorealism,Neoliberalism,and the Future of International Polictics James Lee Ray Index About the Contributors