It had long,been our wish to compile a book concenrning litenuy the oriesand literary criticism as we observed how our students needed literary the-ories to guide them and methods for them to make use of in writing the irgraduation theses and research papers on literature.But when we set about the work we found it must be a bulky volume that can cover the rich and varied content of literature.We had to confine ourselves to ccutain aspects of it,and therefore what this book offers is but some elementary knowledge of literary theories and literary introduces to the students who are studying literature in English at colleges and universities and the other English leamers who are interested in literature,in the simplest possibleway,the value of literature,its nature,views and opinions on the essence and function of literature, and the ways we approach literary works.lncluded in the book as samples of literary approaches are some research papers we wrote ourselves and essays by some critics selected from English joumais so that the students and the leamers may have articles on different subjects and of different styles for reference when they write their owntheses .
PREFACE PART ONE THE VALUE OF LITERATURE PART TWO THE NATURE OF LITERATURE Chapter One The Phenomenon of Literature as a Social Phenomenon of Human Beings Chapter Two The Phenomenon of Literature as a Histoncal Phenomenon Chapter Three Literature as the Creation of the Masses and That of Individual Writers Chapter Four The Phenomenon of Literature as a Phenomenon Associated with the Mind Chapter Five Literature as a Reflection of Life PART THREE TYPES OF LITERARY THEOIUES Chapter One The Mimetic Theories Chapter Two The Pragrnatic Theories Chapter Three The Expressive Theories Chapter Four The Objective Theories PART FOUR MARXIST LITERATURE THEORY PART FIVE LITERATURE CRITICAL APPROACHES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS