PART ONE:BOOK THREE Lesson one:The Art Scholarship(scene 1) Lesson two:The Art Scholarship(scene 2) Lesson three:A Sweet Potato Plot Lesson four:Golden Trumpets Lesson five:Killers of Bacteria Lesson six:The Blind Men and the Elephant Lesson Seven:Africa-Land and Civilization Lesson eight:The Study of English Lesson nine:Lenin in London Lesson ten:Heart Transplants Lesson eleven:Heart Transplants Lesson twelve:Our Earth Lesson Thirteen:The Great Hall of the People-A Foreign Visitor's Impressions fo Reking Lesson fourteen:To China at Ninety Lesson fifteen:The Cop and the Anthem Lesson sixteen:The Finanicers Lesson Seventeen:The Financiers(continued) Lesson eighteen:Robinson Gusoe Makes Himself a Boat APPENDIX 1 KEY TO BOOK THREE PART TWO:BOOK FOUR APPENDIX 2 KEY TO BOOK FOUR