Grammar Codes inside front cover Introduction vi Using Your Dictionary vii-ix Numbers that are Entries x The Dictionary 1-853 Colour IIIustrations between pages 278 and 279 House C1 Kitchen C2 Office C3 Clothes C4 Car C6 Transport C7 Shapes C8 Language Study between pages 492 and 493 Collocation LS2 Topic Vocabulary: Entertainment LS6 People and Relationships LS7 Travel and Tourism LS8 Work LS9 New Technology: Communication LSlO Computers and the Internet LSIO Media: Newspapers LS12 Television LS12 Pronunciation LS14 Metaphor LS16 Word Formation LS18 Register LS20 Text Types LS22 Colour IIIustrations between pages 574 and 575 Trees and Flowers C9 Fruit C10 Vegetables C11 Animals C12 Body C14 Sports C15 Gym and Games C16 Geographical Names and Nationalities 854-857 Capital Letters and Punctuation 858-859 Phrasal Verbs 860 Labels 861 Pronunciation Guide inside back cover