1 INTRODUCTION 1 Overview of Digital Signal Processing 2 A Few Words about MATLAB 5 2 DISCRETE-TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Discrete-time Signals 7 Discrete Systems 20 Convolution 22 Difference Equations 29 Problems 35 3 THE DISCRETE-TIME FOURIER ANALYSIS 40 The Discrete-time Fourier Transform (DTFT) 40 The Properties of the DTFT 47 The Frequency Domain Representation of LTl systems 53 Sampling and Reconstruction of Analog Signals 60 Problems 74 4 THE z-TRANSFORM 80 The Bilateral z-Transform 80 Important Properties of the z-Transform 84 Inversion of the z-Transform 8g System Representation in the z-Domain 95 Solutions of the Difference Equations 105 Problems 111 5 THE DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM 116 The Discrete Fourier Series 117 Sampling and Reconstruction in the z-Domain 124 The Discrete Fourier Transform 12g Properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform 13g Linear Convolution using the DFT 154 The Fast Fourier Transform 160 Problems 172 6 DIGITAL FILTER STRUCTURES 182 Basic Elements 183 IIR Filter Structures 183 FIR Filter Structures 197 Lattice Filter Structures 208 Problems 219 7 FIR FILTER DESIGN 224 Preliminaries 224 Properties of Linear-phase FIR Filters 228 Window Design Techniques 243 Frequency Sampling Design Techniques 264 Optimal Equiripple Design Technique 277 Problems 294 8 IIR FILTER DESIGN 301 Some Preliminaries 302 Characteristics of Prototype Analog Filters 305 Analog-to-Digital Filter Transformations 327 Lowpass Filter Design Using MATLAB 345 Frequency-band Transformations 350 Comparison of FIR vs. IIR Filters 363 Problems 364 9 APPLICATIONS IN ADAPTIVE FILTERING 371 LMS Algorithm for Coefficient Adjustment 373 System Identification or System Modeling 376 Suppression of Narrowband Interference in a Wideband Signal 377 Adaptive Lin Adaptive Channel Equalization 380 Summary 383 10 APPLICATIONS IN COMMUNICATIONS 384 Pulse-Code Modulation 384 Differential PCM (DPCM) 388 Adaptive PCM and DPCM (ADPCM) 392 Delta Modulation (DM) 396 Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) of Speech 399 Dual-tone Multifrequency (DTMF) Signals 403 Binary Digital Communications 408 Spread-Spectrum Communications 409 Summary 411 BIBLIOGRAPHY 412 INDEX 413