Preface xv CHAPTER 1 Introduction Introduction 1 Purpose of a Signaling System 1 Transpon Systems and Signaling Systems 2 The Blurring of the Distinction between Transport and Signaling Networks 3 Narrowband Signaling Transpon and Networks 3 The TI System 3 X.25 and Packet Switching Systems 4 SS7 Systems 6 Problems with Narrowband Signaling 6 Broadband Signaling Networks 6 Why Not Just Use SS7? 7 Summary 7 CHAPTER 2 ISDN and B-ISDN Architecture 8 Introduction 8 Interfaces and Functional Groupings 8 Reference Points 10 ISDN Logical Channel Concept 11 Typical ISDN Configuration 12 The ISDN Layers 13 What Is B-ISDN? 14 B-ISDN Functional Entities and Reference Points 26 The B-ISDN Planes and Layers 16 Major Functions of the Layers 18 Classification of Broadband Services21 Summary 23 CHAPTER 3 ATM Architecture 24 Introduction 24 ATM Architecture 24 Why the Interest in ATM? 26 ATM and B-ISDN 26 The ATM Layers 27 Vinual Circuits with the VPCI, VPI, and VCI 29 Vinual Path Connection Identifier (VPCI) 32 The ATM Cell and Cell Header 32 A Closer Look at AAL 34 Formats of the AAL PDUs 36 Summary 38 CHAPTER 4 Signaling System Nunlber 7 (SS7) Architecture 39 Introduction 39 Early Signaling . 39 Common Channel Signaling 40 SS7 Fundamentals 40 Example of an SS7 Topology 41 Functions of the SS7 Nodes 41 The SeNice Switching Point (SSP) 43 The Signaling Transfer Point (STP) 43 The Service Control Point (SCP) " 43 The SS7 Levels (Layers) 44 SS7 Identifiers and Numbering Scheme 47 Global Title Addressing and Translation 49 Summary 49 CHAPTER 5 Addressing, SAPs, Primitives, and PDUs 50 Introduction 50 Explicit Addresses and Labels 50 A Shon Treatise on Routing 51 The ATM Address Scheme 52 The E.1 64 Address Schenle 55 Service Access Points (SAPS) 56 How Primitives (Service Definitione) Are Used 57 Relationships of Service Definitions and Protocol Specifications 58 Connection Mapping 58 Other Key Concepts 60 ATM's Use of the OSI Model 60 The Broadband Signaling Stacks and the User Layers 60 Summary 63 CHAPTER 6 SAAL, SSCOP, and SSCF 64 Introduction 64 Position of SAAL in the Broadband Signaling Layers 64 The Protocol Stack in More Detail 65 Functions of SAAL 67 Functions of SSCF 67 Functions of SSGOP 69 Functions of SSCS Layer Management (LM) 70 The SAAL Primitives and Signals Operations 71 Depictions of the Layers and Their Associated Primitives and Signals 72 Primitives and Signals between SSOF and MTP 3 72 Signals between SSCOP-SSCF and SSCOP-Layer Management 76 Signals between Layer Management and SSCF 77 Signals between SSCOP and CPCS 78 The Error Codes 79 The SSCOP Operations in More Detail 79 SSCOP PDUs 80 Examples of SSCOP "Housekeepingl' Operations 83 Examples of SSCOP Transferring Signaling Tranic 84 Relationships of the SAAL Entities and MTP 3 89 Parameters in the Primitives and PDUs 90 Summary 91 CHAPTER 7 UNI Signaling 92 Introduction 92 Broadband Signaling Stacks 92 UNI Messages and Information Elements 93 Message Format 94 The Messages 95 The Information Eienlents (IEs) 95 Overview of UNI Operations 95 The Q.2931 Timers 98 The UNI Operations in More Detail 100 The Connection Establishment Operation 100 The Connection Release Operation 101 The Restan Operation 102 The Status Inquiry Operation 103 The Add PaW Operation 103 The Drop Pany Operation 106 The Q.931 Message Information Elements in More Detail 106 AAL Information Eiement 107 Broadband Low Layer Information Element 109 ATM Forum UNI Version 4.0 Variations 112 Summary 112 CHAPTER 8 B-ISUP Signaling 113 Introduction 113 Purpose of B-ISUP 114 What B-ISUP Does Not Do 114 Bandwidth Analysis and Path Discovery 115 Position of B-ISUP in the Broadband Signaling Layers 116 The SS7 MTP Suppon to B-ISUP 116 Overview of the B-ISUP Operations 117 Trunk Groups and VPCls 118 Setting up the Vinual Circuits 119 B-ISUP NNI Messages and Parameters 119 The Messages 120 Parameters in the Messages 123 Examples of B-ISUP Operations 123 The B-ISUP Architecture in More Detail 127 Summary 130 Appendix 8A: Parameters Used in B-ISUP Messages 130 Appehdix 8B: B-ISUP InteHaces, Primitives, and Primitive Parameten 138 CHAPTER 9 Operations Between UNI and NNI 144 Introduction 144 Typical Call Setup and Release Operations 144 Mapping between the UNI and NNI Messages and Information Elements 147 Summary 147 CHAPTER 1O Other Broadband Signaling Operations and Performance Requirements 148 Introduction 148 Configuration Options 148 Point-to-Multipoint Calls 152 Signaling Identifiers (SIDs) 152 Add Pany Operations 154 Performance Requirements for the Signaling Virtuai Channel Connection (VCC) 155 Summary 158 CHAPTER 11 Private Network-Network Intenace (PNNI) 159 Introduction 159 Why Another NNI Protocol? 159 Overview of PNNI Protocol 160 Unique Aspects of PNNI Signaling vis-a-vis Q.2931 161 PNNI Signaling Specification Model 162 Terms and Concepts 163 PNNI Metrics 165 Metric Aggregation 167 Horizontal and Outside Links 171 PNNI Hierarchy Example 172 PNNI Signaling Messages 175 A Look at the SETUP Message Information Elements 175 PNNI Available Bit Rate (ABR) Descriptors 177 Designated Transit List (DTL) 178 son Permanent Vinual Connection Procedures 178 Crank Back 179 Desianated Transit List 179 Information Elements for the Support of Other Services 179 Summary 179 Abbreviations 180 References 183 Index 187