1. Show up1 2. Stand somebody up6 3. Bring up11 4. Bring out18 5. Hang out22 6. Pull out27 7. Mind32 8. Through40 Go through... See through... 9. Hit53 10. Shot67 Shoot... 11. Shut up81 12. Break91 Break up... Broke... Give someone a break... 13. Fat chance104 Break the ice... 14. Stick110 Stick to... Stick with me... Stuck... 15. Screw120 Kill... Screw up... 16. Wrap131 Wrapped up... Throw up... Throw party... 17. Blow142 Blow up... Blow one’s mind... 18. Somewhere153 Anywhere... Elsewhere... 19. Top 159 20. Buy169 21. Beat174 Upbeat... 22. Rule184 Rule out... Ground rule... 23. Set up197 24. Straight202 Straight up... 25. Obsess212 Obsession... Obsessivev... 26. Doubt221 There is no doubt... It’s beyond doubt... I seriously doubt that... 27. Guess231 I guess... Guess what... 28. Eye243 Keep an eye on... Can’t take my eye off... 29. There is no such a thing as a free lunch252 There is no such a thing as the weaker sex... 30. Free loader257 31. Time260 The time of one’s life... In the nick of time... Quality time... 32. Bump271 Goose bump... 33. Dump275 Ditch... 34. Ruin281 Thousand... Million...