Foreword China's Modernization and Its English Language Needs The Politics of the English Language:Issues to Consider in the Chinese COntext Some Problens of Chiese Education as Seen through the Eyes of a Foreigner Abstraction,Actuality and the Condirions of Relevance Towards a More Holistiv View of Language, Language Learning and the Language Learner The Development of a Tesearch Agenda for English Language Educators The Communicative Approach:Out Debt and Oblination to It Teaching Applied Linguistics in China Social Psychological aspects of English Language Some Insinghts from Sociolinguistice and Their Application to English Language Teaching in China Why Bother about Culture in ELT? Transferres Patterns,Meanings and stratenies:Chiese Substratum Influence on English Language Acquistion Pragmatic Failure of the Chiese Learners in Communication with English Native Speakers Literature in English :An Integral Part of EFl Curiculum On Syllonisms and Syllabuses ……